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Spock, Touching!


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:confused:Something happened that was very interesting with Spock the last few days…. something he just started doing….

For a short while now, Spock has been loving and cuddly (when he is not being ….Spock…) and in the afternoons while everyone is in their rest period and Jay is on the computer, Spock will fly over and stand on Jay’s shoulder. He will perch there, preening himself.

Every now and then, Jay will talk to Spock, mainly saying things like “I love you” and “Give me a kiss” to which Spock will reply with a kissing sound and go back to his preening.

Now, the last couple of days, when Jay says “I love you”, Spock will stand on one foot and place his other foot lightly on Jay’s cheek, respond with “I love you” and makes a kissee sound as he touches his beak to Jay’s nose.

Today, he initiated this on his own, touching Jay’s cheek and “kissing” him on the nose, saying “I love you”.

Question: Is this touching an action that is another form of communication?:confused: Is it feeling? :confused:I don’t know but it sure makes you feel good!


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Oh how sweet! Don't they just make you tear up sometimes?


I feel the touching must be a form of communication, a genuine expression of affection. We know darn well these birds are emotional creatures. Is it possible Spock is imitating an affectionate interaction between you and Jay, or between one of you and another pet?


What does Jay feel when Spock does this? I'm sure these little guys are telepathic.


One of my conures will occasionally peck me gently on the cheek and make a kissee sound. I did teach her the kissee sound, but I never did teach her the little peck on the cheek to go with it; she came up with that on her own.

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