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Future Thoughts Concerning My Baby


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So, there are always a lot of things I concern myself with regarding my little grey friend. One of the things that breaks my heart a little each day is the way I have to go off to work and leave him, a flock bird by nature, by himself. When he is contact calling me while I walk to my car and I whistle back until I cannot any more, there is always a little guilt.


One thing that really concerns me is that I may not be able to go on a vacation....like....ever....without worrying that I will jeapordize the realtionship I have taken so much care to build with Issac. It will be some challenge to find someone to give him the kind of out time and care I give when I am home as it is. There are many bird boarding places in my area, but it's all very concerning.


I have no plans to take a vacation at the current time or in the near future, but I would like to know how others have faired with leaving their flock mate without them for a few days.

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This might help.....http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190483-Holiday-Help Have you seen this yet?......http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190489-Welcome-PROSPECTIVE-and-NEW-GREY-Owner-s..


Always love your Thread's...

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I hear you there Stephen... I have taken a few short trips with Paco since I got him last September, but I've been fortunate enough to take him with me. I'm currently on holidays, and for the most part have chosen to stay home, with the exception of a few day trips, day trips that I've also taken Paco on. I'm facing two trips to Mexico over the next year, trips that I can't get out of, and like you, I am faced with the same problem.


I have some friends who are very interested in bird-sitting with me, we've even found a large cage that they are willing to have at their house for him to stay in, but what's concerning me the most is that Paco is throwing his clipped primaries really quickly and he will soon be fully flighted. On top of that, he is a little on the nasty side lately, especially to those who are not me! Something I'm working on, but I'd be interested in hearing what others have to say on this as well.

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I hear you there Stephen... I have taken a few short trips with Paco since I got him last September, but I've been fortunate enough to take him with me. I'm currently on holidays, and for the most part have chosen to stay home, with the exception of a few day trips, day trips that I've also taken Paco on. I'm facing two trips to Mexico over the next year, trips that I can't get out of, and like you, I am faced with the same problem.


I have some friends who are very interested in bird-sitting with me, we've even found a large cage that they are willing to have at their house for him to stay in, but what's concerning me the most is that Paco is throwing his clipped primaries really quickly and he will soon be fully flighted. On top of that, he is a little on the nasty side lately, especially to those who are not me! Something I'm working on, but I'd be interested in hearing what others have to say on this as well.


Yep, we are a special breed of human who like large flying birds and are not frigtened of dive bombs and such. So you really need to find a unique person to take that on. There really are some great aviaries here that board birds, but I cannot imagine how he would feel around many other birds and without me there and in a new location. I think that would be the worst unless i took the time to introduce him to the place in the weeks prior to leaving him there. Uhhg...it all is so tough. So it looks like I will have to condition someone to be up for the task and get him used to them. Ohh well...it'll be a while till I go on vacation to anywhere far enough where i would not just consider taking him with me.

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This might help.....http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190483-Holiday-Help Have you seen this yet?......http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190489-Welcome-PROSPECTIVE-and-NEW-GREY-Owner-s..


Always love your Thread's...



This was a good read JayD. It does give some ideas as to how I can prepare for this I suppose. Although contingent on a lot of things.

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Seeing as I have 3 dogs as well as Pippa, it is cheaper for me to pay for a house sitter rather than put them in kennels. It also means that they are happier, in their own environement, and Pippa is still able to have time out of her cage while I'm away.


I shall blow the trumpet for us veterinary nurses! Responsible individuals, at ease with animals, know what 'off colour' looks like, generally paid a very low wage so would be very happy to do a good job of looking after your critters for some extra pennies. You could give your local clinic a ring and see if there is anyone appropriate who would be prepared to do it.


I've used three different nursing assistants from the hospital where I work, they've all been fab, and the beasties have been perfectly happy. And no change in Pippa's behaviour when I got back :) (agree - all different, this is just the solution that has worked for me xx)

Edited by Tweedle
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So, there are always a lot of things I concern myself with regarding my little grey friend. One of the things that breaks my heart a little each day is the way I have to go off to work and leave him, a flock bird by nature, by himself. When he is contact calling me while I walk to my car and I whistle back until I cannot any more, there is always a little guilt.


One thing that really concerns me is that I may not be able to go on a vacation....like....ever....without worrying that I will jeapordize the realtionship I have taken so much care to build with Issac. It will be some challenge to find someone to give him the kind of out time and care I give when I am home as it is. There are many bird boarding places in my area, but it's all very concerning.


I have no plans to take a vacation at the current time or in the near future, but I would like to know how others have faired with leaving their flock mate without them for a few days.


Hi Stephen,


Well here is how Murphy faired when I went on holiday.




As Jayd has said though no two situations are ever the same. This is just how things went for us. I also recently read somewhere if you can help it, not to leave them for a year once you have a baby grey & I think Danmcq said in one of my posts that they stay with the parents for up to two years in the wild. If it had been up to me I wouldn't have booked up my holiday just yet but it was done by my Fiancees parents as they have a villa out in Turkey & was out of my hands. Don't get me wrong, I haven't been away for 7 years, I was very grateful & enjoyed our first family holiday together but I could have waited a few more months.


I think it was just the fact that Murphy is still so young (7 months) & in his eyes I abandoned him, so if you can wait a while longer till Isaac has matured & is no longer super dependent on you he might be fine. Finding somebody he likes & trusts is also a big step towards leaving them while you go away so it might be a good idea to start grooming someone to be babysitter :)

Edited by reggieroo
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As Reggiero said, I feel it is more stressful for them while they are still dependent upon their parents by nature until 2 years old in the wild.


This does not mean it's a no-no to go off for a few days and have someone watch your grey. But, every Grey will react differently. Another factor that plays into the mix and how they react, is whither they are watched over in their home or at another. My personal feelings, are that in the home and cage they know is the optimum place for them to remain. They have the security of nothing changing except your absence and hopefully someone they know being with them or at least a person that is familiar and comfortable with parrots and their expectations.


We chose not to go anywhere the first 2 years that Dayo could not go with us. This meant, any relative that wanted us to come up for a few days, but declined letting us bring Dayo, was scratched off the list politely...errrr sorry, we just can't make it, something came up. :P


We are fortunate enough, that now if we wish to leave town for a few days, we have family that Dayo is very familiar with and will come and just stay at our house. The only thing that changes in Dayos routine is no out of cage time. None of our family is willing to take a chance on a bite while trying to get him back in the cage and we do not want anyone chasing him around trying to towel him. So he stays in his cage, gets talked to all day, offered treats now and then and also keeps them rolling on the floor with his verbal antics.


Each bird and situation is different. The best anyone can do for their bird, if possible. Is to have someone they know and trust bird sit at home. Then next best scenario would be having someone your bird knows and has been to their home watch them. Third would be as Tweedle described of a vet professional watch over them that knows critters, how to handle them and care for them.


I'm sure many others will have great things to contribute here as well.


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Not traveling is something I can handle for the first two years of Issac's life. I don't typically travel anyway. I imagine that before I die I will though and Issac could very well out live me, so I will figure something out for him at those times. Thanks for the additional info it's helpful.

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My wife and I are both 42. We realize our greys will outlive us, and we deal with the same issues you addressed. Our situation is actually near a point (with many other factors added into the equation) where I will likely stop working and just be a stay at home dad. I'm going to likely give up a six figure salary so that my wife can fully devote herself to her work and she'll never have to worry about our kids. And by kids I mean our 7 fids and 2 german shepherds.


Our thinking is that life is too short to spend it slaving away so we can...pay taxes? Nope.

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I, too, worry about going away for any length of time. Fortunately, I kind of got the traveling bug out of my system. I made several long cross-country trips, to the east coast and to the west coast, in my van, camping and sleeping in the van. Now I'm pretty happy to be a homebody. My husband also got traveling out of his system when he was working for a music software company that sent him all around the U.S. and Europe.


I mainly worry about stuff like obligatory family things, like funerals and such. How do you explain that you will not be there because you need to stay home and take care of your birds?


Our thinking is that life is too short to spend it slaving away so we can...pay taxes? Nope


I'm with you, Lambert. Feed birds, not politicians! LOL! You know, when you pay those taxes, it only encourages them to come up with more. :rolleyes:

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