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Bloody Nail Clipping


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Okay, so I clipped Lulu's nails today. I always am very conservative to miss the quick. Well, today, I finished and noticed a drop of blood. Further inspection showed a dripping nail. I put a bit of styptic powder on a moist paper towel, puy some pressure, and toweled her and stroked her for a few minutes. Looked good, and then she picked at it and it started bleeding again. This time, it seemed to take longer to stop, and she got very squirmy. After, I was cleaning off her beak, when, "wham" she beaked me -- highly unusual in her.


Boy, does parrot blood smell! I thought I was in a trauma center again.


Any suggestions for nail clipping? I generally just file them with emery board, but they had gotten a bit long for that.

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I'm a super weenie about nail clipping on the fids. Dogs? gimme an axe! Birds? I'm so scared I take 'em to the vet. Our youngest conure has 1 nail that likes to curl under so she gets frequent vet visits (last one was two days ago).


I'm sure you already know, but strategic placement of conditioning perches works wonderfully. My other 6 fids have exactly 0 nail issues due to the conditioning perches, but Chilly just refuses to perch on them...maybe she likes going to the vet?

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Better stick to the filing method. Apparantly, you misjudged how much to take off and you paid the price. You may have to file more often but there doesn't seem to be a problem or you can take the bird to a vet and have the tech do it.

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I had the same problem a few weeks ago, I nearly passed out when I saw the blood. It was worse than seeing my own blood! I'm not attempting this ever again, and ended up making a decision I wish I had months ago! I moved his cement perch to the outside of his cage where his favourite spot to just sit and chill out is. He's continued to use it, and his nails are getting way more dull than they've been in months!

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