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My first grey comes home tomorrow, I can't wait!

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I agree! I felt just awful that I didn't snatch him up and walk out the door. I trusted her because she was supposed to be the expert. I also stayed across the room at a distance because I didn't want Tui to see me and associate anything negative with me. I should have been right there when she did that wing clip. I spent all evening beating myself up and feeling angry that I didn't do something. Tui is just fine today. He's back to being chipper and talking up a storm :)

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Hi Amanda,

Tui sounds like an absolute gem, but how sad about his wings. Steven (elvenking) is right - never be afraid to stand up for your bird - if you don't who will? I know we all trust "the experts" but sometimes you need to be heard too.

Well done on rehoming Tui, I have nothing but respect for people who take on older birds.

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I spent all evening beating myself up and feeling angry that I didn't do something.


No, no, no. Don't beat yourself up. You were doing what you thought best at that moment. Take it as a learning experience. And one of the things you learned is she is not the vet for you! Take the lesson and move on.

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I agree! I felt just awful that I didn't snatch him up and walk out the door. I trusted her because she was supposed to be the expert. I also stayed across the room at a distance because I didn't want Tui to see me and associate anything negative with me. I should have been right there when she did that wing clip. I spent all evening beating myself up and feeling angry that I didn't do something. Tui is just fine today. He's back to being chipper and talking up a storm :)


Ohh I hope I didn't make you feel bad. We all do things that get magnified in retrospect..and we wish we had the tact at that time to handle it. Just learn from it, and if you take what you have learned and go forward with taking care of Tui's needs...then I think that even better results are to come. I also ask that you consider leaving him flighted (as I am a huge advocate of letting these wonderful guys fly). It can be a greater responsability but I personally think its worth it. This is coming from a guy who just had his baby fly away last sunday and went through a major recovery event that was heart wrenching. In the end..its up to you and i understand both sides..I just think the bird gets the best end of the deal when he\she is unclipped.


I am glad Tui is handling thing well. They can be suprisingly resilient. Take care of your baby and love him. These are wonderful creatures.

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Ohh I hope I didn't make you feel bad. We all do things that get magnified in retrospect..and we wish we had the tact at that time to handle it. Just learn from it, and if you take what you have learned and go forward with taking care of Tui's needs...then I think that even better results are to come. I also ask that you consider leaving him flighted (as I am a huge advocate of letting these wonderful guys fly). It can be a greater responsability but I personally think its worth it. This is coming from a guy who just had his baby fly away last sunday and went through a major recovery event that was heart wrenching. In the end..its up to you and i understand both sides..I just think the bird gets the best end of the deal when he\she is unclipped.


I am glad Tui is handling thing well. They can be suprisingly resilient. Take care of your baby and love him. These are wonderful creatures.


Thanks :) I wish I could leave him flighted actually. The problem is that our front door is right in our small living room and his cage is in that room. He has already tried to fly to the door many times, he is fascinated with outside. I had him by the window yesterday and he was clawing the door to get out. I am sure he would take the first chance to fly out that door when my children are coming in and out. I am hoping we can afford to move to a larger home in a couple years when I am finished college (I'm a mature student returning after 10 years) so I can leave him flighted :)

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Each home must take all the variables into account. You did what you thought best for your Greys safety. No one can question that personal decision, no matter how pro-flighted they may be, like myself. :)


I am looking forward to reading many more updates and seeing photos as well.

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