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My first grey comes home tomorrow, I can't wait!

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Hello everyone :)

My name is Amanda. I am a married at home mom of two from Ontario Canada.

I have longed to own a grey for so many years. I really took my time, did my research and waited until the time was right. I originally planned to purchase a baby in two years when we moved to a bigger home but the chance came up to adopt a three year old congo male with his cage and my heart just went out to him. This will be this third, and final, home in three years. I am still paying a large sum of money (slightly less than $1000) but he comes with an adequate cage (32x26x68 with play top), toys and best of all, a great personality. Its unfortunate that so many rehomed birds are sold for $2000 or more in this area. I would adopt them all if I could. :o I feel blessed to have the chance to give a permanent home to this boy.


Anyhow, we go pick up our new family member tomorrow and I am so excited and a little nervous about the transition for him. All of my time, research and longing is going to be tested when this beautiful intelligent creature enters our lives. I have much experience with birds, growing up with tiels, love birds and budgies. I am very informed on bird care. I haven't owned an air freshener or non stick pan in years LOL. I enjoy sprouting seeds and beans and baking birdie bread for my fids. I currently have an extremely spoiled and well cared for green cheek conure. He is the love of my life (other than my husband and children :P ) I feel confident in my ability to give my grey a wonderful home but I have jitters like I did when I brought my first born child home. Its the unexpected and anticipation. I want the best for him and I hope he settles well into our family. I will have some questions and concerns of course. I will post a few questions in the appropriate areas. I am glad to be here and I look forward to sharing pictures, stories and love for our greys ;)

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Welcome!!! What an exciting time for you! Sounds like you are well prepared for this adventure. I, too, had been keeping a number of other birds for a while before we got our grey, but we have found Moussa to be a whole 'nuther kind of bird.


You will find lots of good information, friendly folks, and great advice on this forum. Ask away!

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That's wonderful! I hope he adjusts well. Be patient with him! As the mommy of a 7 time rehomed (yes, 7!) Nanday conure, it is a totally different experience. When we brought Joe home, he had no faith left in the human race. It takes a lot of time and effort, but it's worth the love they provide in the end :)

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Welcome and thank you for your re-home. Do you know why he was re-homed so many times? Remember, he won't unpack his baggage all at once.... Jayd, Maggie, Spock and the flock

Here's some really useful forum links...http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190489-Welcome-PROSPECTIVE-and-NEW-GREY-Owner-s..

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When we brought Joe home, he had no faith left in the human race. It takes a lot of time and effort, but it's worth the love they provide in the end :)

What Jean say's is true, now, since you baby is a Grey, multiple what she said by 10.....

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Thanks for the welcome :) The lady said that she got him when he was a year old. The first owners had no time for him, classic excuse. His current owner had good intentions of keeping him for life but both herself and her daughter have developed bad allergies to the dust. She sprays him twice a day and vacuums a lot but its not helping. She is really attached to him and sounds like a good owner. I feel bad for her. I hope there are no tears tomorrow when I pick him up. I also have this fear in the back of my mind that she will back out of the adoption. I will be really heart broken if she does. We had a few talks and she feels good knowing he will be going to a great home but I imagine it is very hard for her. The whole thing is bitter sweet because I am so excited to take my baby home but I know how she is feeling as well. I had to part with a dearly loved dog when he became very vicious around my children a few years ago. It was the right thing to do but it wasn't easy. I just pray the whole transition runs smoothly. I want to to be as stress free as possible for him. I have a few questions about transporting him home so I think I will make a thread in another section where it may receive more replies.

Thanks again for the welcome :)

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Hello Amanda and welcome to our family, congrats on taking in a rehomed grey, I know you were going to get a baby but the opportunity presents itself and maybe it was meant to be this way.

Yes I am sure this bird will come with some baggage and it may be a while before he unpacks it but just give him plenty of time and be very patient with him and he will settle in and you will see what his true personality is and it might surprise you.

I can imagine his owner wil be very sad to lose him but she knows he is going to good hands to someone who will do whatever it takes to make him happy and provide him with what he needs to be a well contented bird.

As you have already done your research do continue to read the many threads here for lots of useful information, books and such will give you lots of advice but sometimes first hand experience is the best and you have come to the right place for we have many knowledgeable members who will go out of their way to help you with whatever you ask.

We would love to see some pictures of him if you would share some with us, btw what is his name?

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:) His current name is Tui. I have always have my heart set on a grey named Tiki. Tui is very close sounding to Tiki. Apparently he sings a song about his name already LOL. I am debating on changing it to Tiki or saving that name for my grey baby that I will get in a few years. I am going to wait a bit and see how attached he is to his name. Decisions decisions...
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Just an update:) Tiki (formerly Tui) is doing wonderful and is adjusting much better than I expected! He already steps up for me and has came over to sit on my chair with me. He talks up a storm when we leave the room and he responds to our calls. He is eating and playing happily and wishes to be out of his cage as much as possible. we did have a bit of a time getting him in his cage today. It took over an hour to get him to step up inside. The ride home went really well despite my concerns. He didn't even need to be covered as we planned to do. he sat on the perch of the travel cage and clicked at me. He is going to be an awesome part of our family. I was expecting him to be really timid but this boy has a bit of a bold attitude LOL.

I was surprised to learn that he used to be a plucker and his chest was bald when he came to live with the second owner. He is in great feather now and no longer plucks. I hope all stays well with him. He does look really dry. I bought some aloe vera juice to spray him with when he is more settled. Apparently he enjoys spray bottle showers and will lit his wings for it :)

I will get some pictures in a couple days when he settles in.

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That's great! Congratulations on bringing him home.


It's amazing how they automatically capture your heart, isn't it? I fell in love with Sully before I even got him out of his carrier! :)


The next few weeks will be so much fun! We will have had Sully for four weeks on Sunday- time FLIES!!!! <3

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Tiki does look very nice and I look forward to seeing some more pics when you get the chance.

It does sound like he is settling in nicely but remember that he may not have unpacked all his baggage yet so be prepared for some new things to come to light in the coming weeks and months for greys who have had previous homes usually do but you should do fine with him as long as you give him time and be patient with him.

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He is still settling nicely and talking up a storm. There is never a dull moment here anymore LOL. We ended up keeping the name Tui. Its what he knows and he seems to respond to it. He had us laughing today because he loves apples and my husband was eating one. Tui had already had his morning fruit but he kept watching my husband eat it while talking about apples the whole time. It was too funny. He ended up getting a piece, it was too cute. Here is a new picture I took.



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You guys need to start thinking flock now, theres always enough to share.... at least in Tui's mind. :)


It's great that you guys acknowledged Tui's statements regarding apples. That tells him you understand his method of communication. Can't to hear what else he requests or demands now. :P

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Your husband was talking about apples, or Tui was? :D


My husband was eating an apple and Tui was eying it down and talking about it the whole time LOL. He is starting to learn the andy griffith theme now. He catches on really quickly.


We had a really hard day yesterday though. We took him to a vet who represented herself as an avian vet but she turned out to be a basic vet who saw birds on the side. I found this out after the appointment. After a very stressful appointment including taking his temperature in his vent, chasing him around the room several times, and toweling for too long, I walked out fuming mad with a stressed bird. I didn't even know about the temperature thing until I looked into it. I wanted him slightly clipped and she butchered the poor dear. He only has two flights left on each side and he is off balance. I cried all evening, it was really upsetting. I have a big duvet around his cage for padding because he already fell once today. I thought about filing a complaint against the vet but I don't think anything will come of it. My nearest actual AVIAN vet is an hour away and I don't drive but I am working on a ride so Tui can see him for a proper check up. God, it was upsetting!

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My husband was eating an apple and Tui was eying it down and talking about it the whole time LOL. He is starting to learn the andy griffith theme now. He catches on really quickly.


We had a really hard day yesterday though. We took him to a vet who represented herself as an avian vet but she turned out to be a basic vet who saw birds on the side. I found this out after the appointment. After a very stressful appointment including taking his temperature in his vent, chasing him around the room several times, and toweling for too long, I walked out fuming mad with a stressed bird. I didn't even know about the temperature thing until I looked into it. I wanted him slightly clipped and she butchered the poor dear. He only has two flights left on each side and he is off balance. I cried all evening, it was really upsetting. I have a big duvet around his cage for padding because he already fell once today. I thought about filing a complaint against the vet but I don't think anything will come of it. My nearest actual AVIAN vet is an hour away and I don't drive but I am working on a ride so Tui can see him for a proper check up. God, it was upsetting!


Always feel free to take ownership of your bird. If you see something being done to your bird that you don't like.....stop them. Also, if it's not an avain vet, call it off right then and there. (Of course if yer bird is really ill and you have no other choice viable...that is different). I know it's late now..but keep your bird safe. More often than not, I hear about what a 'hack' an avian vet is than I do about really good caring ones.

Edited by Elvenking
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What an awful experience! We put so much trust in our vets, and it's so disturbing when we're let down.


Elvenking is right. Never hesitate or feel embarrassed to just snatch your bird up and head for the door.


Surely you'll have a much better experience at the avian vet. But it's always good to ask around and get some opinions about a vet, if possible.

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