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Good Morning everyone! Starting Potty training today...


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Mornin' (or afternoon or evening) everyone!


Well, we decided to start Potty Training Sully today. We've succeeded before in potty training our Sun Conure, but I'm a little nervous about Sully.


He actually went in the trashcan for the first time this morning! It only took about two minutes for him to go. I'm sure this is luck, but HEY! I'll TAKE IT! :)


I rewarded him with hugs and kisses, and a piece of cap'n crunch (I ordered some yogurt drops)

Am I on the right track here? I plan on taking him every 10 minutes or so. Luckily, I have some training in the potty training department from when I worked at a daycare and as a nanny... but I don't know if I'm in over my head here. Anyone have any tips? Have many of you actually done this before??


I'll update later!

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Our 3 sun/jenday/gold capped mutts (they're mixed, not one is a purebred) took to potty training like... conures to ice cold water: easy peasy.


Our greys want to drop the bomb the instant they leave the cage in the morning, so we put the trashcan near the cage to start with and gradually moved it back to its proper place and that worked.


And yes you're on the right track. Make a whole Broadway Epic out of it when they poop in the trashcan. In our house we have fireworks, bands playing, strippers... did I say strippers? Those might be for me. In any case, yes; make a huge production out of it :P

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Thanks Jayd!


He ended up going over the trashcan about 8 times yesterday.. but he seems freaked out by the trashcan... so, I'm going to buy a small office-type trashcan to use, and maybe he won't be so panicked? The one we were using was our kitchen trashcan, and it's big and aluminum... perhaps a little intimidating :\

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Congrats on getting Sully potty trained and that sun too, I wish I had potty trained my sun conure, guess it is too late now for she rides around on my shoulder all the time and I usually have poop down my back or she just happens to hit the floor with it and then I step in it, eww.


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Oh- and also, I was thinking maybe using this just in the mornings, so he can see that this is the "target" atleast for that first big, monsterous, scary, huge, giant, extra large poop of the day :D

Yeah... we went all full steam ahead and wanted to literally potty train everyone. But given that we have so many fids, the math came out to 28 poops per hour lol. A little much. so we just try to catch the first one in the morning and then after their afternoon naps.


And as an aside: this is why we tore out the carpet and only have hardwood floors and tile now :)

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And as an aside: this is why we tore out the carpet and only have hardwood floors and tile now :)


Yes that makes sense, we have carpet in the family room where the bird's cages are but I put down vinyl carpet protector runners around Josey's cage as she likes to walk around the skirt and poops over the edge, works like a charm for all I have to do is wipe it clean but when we replace the carpet it will be with some type of tile, no more carpet.

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