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Tigerlilies New Diet


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since our last visit to the vets where it came to light that i've let tigerlilies diet slip she has had a drastice change in her diet.

as well as starting her on harrisons i've made up my own mix for her, all things i can buy from my local supermarket:


soya beans

butter beans

sunflower seeds

pumpkin seeds

millet seeds


red split lentils


pecan nuts

pine nuts


brazil nuts



hazel nuts








your opinions please

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My personal opinion: I don't feed our fids,,, Lima beans, butter beans, pinto and navy beans White beans or soy. Large beans need to be cooked before feeding! I would be careful feeding the herbs, and if you do, the amount you feed is less than a pinch, occasionally. The mix you made,is a treat, minus the beans. it should be given as a treat, very little, I see no veggies or fresh fruits? Our fids need a balanced diet, some foods help other foods absorb the nutrients! Her's some links, http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190489-Welcome-PROSPECTIVE-and-NEW-GREY-Owner-s.. http://www.theparrotsocietyuk.org/index.php/Article_22/92 Thanks Jayd

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My personal opinion: I don't feed our fids,,, Lima beans, butter beans, pinto and navy beans White beans or soy. Large beans need to be cooked before feeding! I would be careful feeding the herbs, and if you do, the amount you feed is less than a pinch, occasionally. The mix you made,is a treat, minus the beans. it should be given as a treat, very little, I see no veggies or fresh fruits? Our fids need a balanced diet, some foods help other foods absorb the nutrients! Her's some links, http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190489-Welcome-PROSPECTIVE-and-NEW-GREY-Owner-s.. http://www.theparrotsocietyuk.org/index.php/Article_22/92 Thanks Jayd


Forgive me if I am wrong and I don't mean to pick, but what is wrong with beans as long as they are cooked? I am aware that certain beans are not good if they are not cooked because they are proteolytic enzyme inhibitors but when cooked it destroys these inhibitors. The bird mash I feed my birds every morning starts out with a bag of those mixed beans you buy for making bean soup and those bags contain just about every bean. I have fed this mash practically forever with no ill effects and it is always well received by the birds.

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Others may not agree with me, but from what I have learned both from my breeder over the years and reading, beans are "Ok", when prepared properly. My breeder has been making a huge pot of mash with 7 bean types and grains in it for years and feeds it to the weaning baby birds and flock she and her husband raised for many years. So, I've been using that one recipe for 3+ years now and the birds love it.


Large raw beans, such as Anasazi, Black, Fava, Kidney, Lima, Navy, Pinto, and Soy - can cause toxicities when fed raw, causing digestive upsets for people and potentially for birds. Some experts recommend that large beans should be cooked to make them safe and digestible. Others counter that soaking beans for 24 hours starts the germinating process and that soaking makes the beans safe and digestible.


For those who do not want to take any risks, it's best to cook large beans thoroughly before feeding to your birds. These beans are not recommended for general sprouting purposes.


Certain uncooked dried beans contain enzyme inhibitors as Lokismom (Lisa) indicated, are indigestible , and may cause visceral gout in birds. These enzyme inhibitors may prevent or decrease the utilization in the body of substances, such as trypsin and chymotrypsin, to produce nutritional deficiencies. Beans that can interfere with proteolytic enzymes are lima, kidney and soybeans. Cooking these beans for at least 2 hours destroys these enzyme inhibitors. Other dried beans do not appear to contain these enzyme inhibitors or, if present, are in low concentrations. To be on the safe side, it's best to cook ALL varieties of beans, which I do.

Edited by danmcq
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of course tigerlily has fresh fruit and veg :)

just a little curious though why u think the mix should only b given as a treat when most of it can b found in either harrisons or other mixes?


Sorry Tigerlilly, when you said "diet' you didn't mention "veggies or fruit". I started my reply with "My personal opinion:" and that 's what it was, nothing more......I wished nor wish not to cross any one, I should have learned by now to keep my opinion's to myself... If anyone is interested, I've written many threads and post's concerning food and feeding, please check them out.

Thank you


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