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Big problem with no easy solution


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I'm really at a loss for the right answer. Tobie has cut his chest again. Because he broke/chewed his feathers on one of his wings, his ability to fly is now gone once again. I was on the couch downstairs and Tobie was playing on the top of the couch when my husband got up to go upstairs to bed. Tobie ran to the end of the couch and took a flying leap toward the steps, as if he could fly, and landed on the tile floor missing the area rug. Well it bled and I took him to the vet the next day. She put him on antibiotics. The problem is that he has jumped off my hand while transporting him several times even though I try to cup my other hand over him. Also, he jumped off the cage to the kitchen floor so he no longer is allowed out of the cage in the morning when I fix his bowls and clean the cage. He hasn't jumped from the playstand yet but I'm afraid of that too. Tonight he was on the seat of the couch and one of the dogs heard something and stood up suddenly and barked and Tobie jumped to the area rug - a short distance to a rug, but he bled again. He has started the bleeding from these leaps at least three times this week. I've decided that the only way to protect his chest to help it heal is to keep him in the cage. I did this for a day and a half and it broke my heart. "Jan, hey Jan!! What'cha doing. Hey Jan Bird in the cage". If I leave Tobie in his cage for a week will he be emotionally devistated and more prone to plucking. The safest place in the house for him to play is on the back of the sectional couch, but tonight he jumped off of that and hurt himself again. Would you keep taking a chance and bring him downstairs or let him have time to heal in the cage. Of course then what - after he heals - He may jump from my hand or fall again. What is the answer.

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Oh Jan, I feel so sorry for you and Tobie. He is such a joy and love in your life, as well as a favorite of us here on the forum. I know your dilemma, Tobie has done nothing wrong, yet must be confined for his own well being to heal properly. Then, the second issue of once healed, how to you keep it from being burst open again, without restraining Tobie to the cage (Which I know you wouldn't do). The only answer I can think of, is to place throw rugs down and cover any tile or linolium areas you have that he could possibly crash down to. It is the only way to protect him. I know it is covering beautiful flooring, but maybe you can find throw rugs or area rugs that are nice and you can live with.

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Two things you can possibly try---Because your bird has little ability to fly right now but still jumps constantly, you may try to find a clean sock, cut the toe area off so that it can slip on and off the bird. Make sure it's tight enough to stay snug. Slip it on the your bird's body making sure it covers the entire brast area. Make sure that wings are still free. Make sure vent area is not covered. With this on, the bleeding will lessen because that area will be covered by the cloth suppling a bit of a cushion. The idea is similar when people buy flight suits for their birds because of retention of feces.

Concerning the bird constantly jumpinhg off your hand, when the bird is on the index finger, take your thumb and put it on top of the toes. That'll stop him from jumping off so quickly. It's an easy way to contain him. He will flap when startled but not go anywhere. Also very important when dealing with a jumper----it's very important that when carrying the bird around on the hand, you need to keep the bird up against your chest which will provide security and some calmness.

Also, concerning that sock---it's frequently used on cockatoos who have serious chronic plucking problems. At first, all birds will try to pick it off but they eventually get used to it being on.

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Great suggestions. Thank you for your kindness and concern. I'll try the sock. I laid in bed last night designing in my head something like a rollerblade knee protector that would clip around his body under the wings. The heck with the flooring. If I have to cover it that is what I'll do. I do so love this bird.

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I just couldn't go downstairs tonight without Tobie. I took Dave's advice about how to carry him. Almost as soon as I had him on my hand and turned toward the living room he jumped. This time I had my thumb firmly on his feet and he actually fell over my hand flapping but I held firmly to his feet and he righted himself and looked at me like "what was that". I hugged him close to my chest as we went downstairs. I put layers of throws all over the floor anywhere he could conceivably hit the tile floor and was very vigilant. We watched a movie and Tobie got his head rubbed and he played his games with me and overall we had such a great time and there were no accidents. He doesn't get his on top of the cage time or his play stand time. He only had two hours with us out of the cage. It went well tonight.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just to let you know Tobie went to the vet for a follow-up visit and the wound on his chest was completely healed. I did end up leaving him in the cage for the better part of the last week. While he was at the vets she gave him a light anaesthetic and pulled the stubbs in the wing again. It was magic before with the feathers coming right back in. She warns that it may take longer this time, but my though was it can't hurt. Dan, I did put some more rugs on the floor. Dave, it is amazing how the simplest suggestion can be the one that makes all the difference. I've started holding Tobie's toes when I carry him and it has prevented several falls. He is a pretty insistent little bird when he wants to jump off my hand. Then he decided he wouldn't step up if I was going to hold his toes, but he is getting over that now.

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Jan, I love to hear how creative you can be and make compromises to help Tobie. I have a jumper and I am learning from you and the others that are offering such helpful suggestions. Kopi hasn't flung himself to the floor in more than two months now and he hasn't ever injured himself since he is still in a low cage and has a safety zone. I really appreciate you insights.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm glad to hear things are getting better. I always hold Dorian's toes when he's on my hand because he's so easily startled. It took him awhile to get use to it, but now he doesn't seen to mind most times. It's so funny that your stubborn little monkey decided not to step up for you when you started doing it. There's certainly a huge personality in that little body. Keep up the great work.

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Oh Jan I'm so sorry to hear of this set back you've have with Tobie, but glad to hear things are perhaps going better again.

I've often held onto Alfie's toes when she is refusing to go into her cage - once she figured out what it meant to be holding onto her toes, she stopped trying to fly off altogether. Lol she does on occasion try to avoid the toe hold, and is very clever at it. They're very enterprising! Putting cushioning down on the floor for him too is a great idea. Hope Tobie is feeling better. x

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