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Brought Home Our New Baby


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Hi everyone,

Me and my boyfriend brought home our new baby (3 month old) CAG last Sunday. I decided to name her Tali, which took me about 3 days! She was very uneasy at first but has acclimated well to her new home. She is eating lots of different foods and playing with her new toys that we bought for her. I am a little concerned because she seems to have become very attached to me. She's getting a little better now about eating/playing on her own and going into her cage at night, but she seems to always want to be with me. She also doesn't seem to like anyone else very much (my boyfriend and my brother who is living with us) and she still usually squeaks unhappily at them when they try to hold her, feed her, or give her a toy.


Is she quickly becoming a one-person bird, or will she just take longer to warm up to the other family members? Any tips for them to make her trust them and like them more? I try to tell them to just continue to be patient and kind to her, but I can tell they are feeling frustrated and I can feel their jealousy! Help! Thanks :)

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Everything you describe is normal Grey behavior. The flock is their world, security, survival and they die if seperated. Thus the constant wanting to be with the flock at all times.


They also always have a favorite. You have been chosen for now. The others just need to know and acknowledge this. They need to be patient and only interact with this new baby Tali as she indicates by body language if she desires it or not. Most babies as young as yours will walk over and explore people and things on their own if you are patient and wait. Let the baby do this on her own timing and desire. Anyone tirying to force baby tali to love and interact with them, could end up making her fear and hate them very quickly.


Just be patient, loving and slow with the interactions and this will show her the human home and world she lives in is not a fearful place, instead it is a discovery zone. :)

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Congratulations on your new baby! Tali is an adorable name. :) My grey will only step up for anyone else if they have a tasty treat and if she feels like it. I've read there is a "game" where you all sit on the floor in a circle and everyone has treats and ask the bird to step up from person to person to get the treats. It sounds like a good idea to me.

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