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Spock, The Grey King Rides Again!!


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Greetings, King Spock here…I have noticed that you have been discussing computers on the chat line (I don’t know yet how to use the chat line…I get Toe-Tied when I am faced with typing that fast). I am dismayed that you do not give my subjects computer time. It doesn’t matter….I can Mind-Meld and I will communicate with all my subjects and teach them what they want to know…

I felt good yesterday. After sneaking out of my cage (mere bars can’t hold me in) I decided to see what the little buttons on Jay’s phone was like. They popped off easily…and after removing 14 buttons, I heard Jay speaking like no man’s spoken before…that’s okay…I spit them all out for him and then I flew over to Salsa’s cage where we played “Grab the Tail” until she squealed like a girl and Maggie came over to pick her up.

You will never guess what my latest flight maneuver is…I hang upside down from Jay’s finger while he is walking down the hall, rotating right-side up as I drop 6-8 inches and start flying. I heard Jay say “Maggie! Maggie! Start breathing!” Salsa got so excited, she started coughing…hahahahaha!…and Joey started yelling “Spock! Stop that!” and Tango was yelling “Whatcha doing?” …….aawwkkk!!!

“Spock”, “Step away from the computer….Now!”


Whew! Maggie here…Spock is feeling better so he has been a little ornery…All day he tried to get into stuff around the house and every time I would say “Spock, what are you into?” and he would answer “Nothing!”. Well, I had just finished getting out the fruits and veggies so I could prepare everyone’s plates when I had to go settle a dispute…I came back and Spock had helped himself to the entire bowl and all you could see was little red tail feathers wiggling as he tossed things out right and left over his shoulders. I yelled out “Spock!” …he answered “What!” with the most indignant look on his face…like who was I to interrupt him….too funny!






Edited by Jayd
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What a story about Spock and the avian zoo you have going on there. Never a dull moment!


It's great to hear spock is getting better and putting his subjects back in line. Loved the photos! :)

Edited by danmcq
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