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Going on vacation? What to do with Simba?


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Im going on vacation for a week in september and need to know whats best to do with Simba...I am a single guy who lives alone so he is home alone 10 hours of the day in his cage which i feel bad about as it is. He can be a little feisty at times but has never truly bit me(ive had him for about 5 months now). I have a friend who said she will come feed him every day but I dont want her taking him out cause i know she will never get him back in without him biting her. As im sure most your greys are, Simba can be difficult to get in his cage at night. Ive tried having a couple other friends handle him and he wasnt taking to it too well which is odd cause i got him from a busy petstore where he was out on a perch in the open all day with hundreds of people walking by him.

Is it really cruel to have him caged for a whole week? I feel incredibly bad almost to the point that im thinking of not taking my vacation.

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Dave asnswered this question in another thread but yes he will be ok to leave him caged for the week you are on vacation. You say you have a friend who can come to feed and water him for you and it would be good if that friend could spend a little time with him, maybe an hour talking to him and such to keep him company. Yes most of us have this dilemma when we want to go on vacation and no one else can put our grey back in their cage after letting them out. He will be so glad to see you when you return and you can "save" him when you get back and more than likely he will forgive you right off the bat.

So quit worrying about it and take your vacation, you probably need it and your grey will be ever so glad to see you return and have a good time.

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Get someone over to feed your grey. This is what I did when I was away for holiday. I was lucky because my sis in law lives nearby. She came to feed my fids 3X daily, cleaned the cages and my Grey had out of cage time too.

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