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Madison/Madden my new blue fronted amazon...

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Hi pfcarquejo, I think you were thinking this was me :)


Here in Spain the breeder must register every bird he rears with a avian vet, this then allows them to have the closed ring attached to them. When you buy a new parrot, the breeder then transfers all of the parrots information to the new owner. This helps if a parrot is caught that may have escaped, and is proof of identification as unfortunately here in Spain it is common to have parrots stolen. All of the birds background is also recorded i.e, a change of owner, age of the bird and original breeder.

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Just talked to my avian vet and she said She has never heard of it being illegal to not have a band. And that I could try calling the breeder again. She also said when she got her grey he didn't have any papers but he did have a band. Ill keep y'all posted if I ever get in touch with the breeder

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OK Jay I have come to the conclusion you know everything!! Guess what... I was playing with him with him being in his cage and giving him little bits of apples and he brought it back up for me 3 times. Doea this mean he loves me? Right now I'm in my bedroom and he is in there talking like me quietly saying evertging I say to him; )

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Guess what... I was playing with him with him being in his cage and giving him little bits of apples and he brought it back up for me 3 times. Doea this mean he loves me? Right now I'm in my bedroom and he is in there talking like me quietly saying evertging I say to him; )

Thank you, I wish it was true, I just love all creature, from people down. I'm going to reserve my final answer for a while.. Yes, regurgitation is a sure sign of love! For me, let me know what and when he doe's this.....have you read this? :http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190024-Ah-the-joys-of-parrot-mating-season!

Thanks Jayd

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Yea I read that. He does it for his toys too. First with the ladder that I made him which he has now destroyed ha then with a foot toy then he did it three times back to back with me. Oh and he just got finished taking a shower in his waterbowl and I have videos to post tomorrow; )

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I didn't put anything in his water and his bowl I rinse and use the apple cider vinegar. Hope that's right

Yes, correct... Heres some links for you.....Jayd

Apple cider vinegar (Organic, Raw, Unpasteurized, Golden Variety). Boosts the immune system and fights bacteria. Aids in healing infections of the urinary tract and kidneys. Balances electrolytes and enzymes and adds minerals. Add raw apple cider vinegar to your pet's waters - about 1/4 teaspoon per pint of water. These are fine for cleaning, but are of no nutritional value.





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I just got in touch with the breeder. She is so nice! She told me she GAVE Madison to her for FREE. He is half yellow nape and half blue front. She calls them blue nape. She did not have him sexed. Is that important? She said that both of his parents are great talkers and heshould be too which he is a great talker as we know; )

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I just got in touch with the breeder. She is so nice! She told me she GAVE Madison to her for FREE. He is half yellow nape and half blue front. She calls them blue nape. She did not have him sexed. Is that important? She said that both of his parents are great talkers and heshould be too which he is a great talker as we know; )

:)I had a feeling he was a hybrid, He looks just like Salsa.:) The only differences between them is Salsa's under wing feathers are orange...Unless you wish to breed, sexing doesn't matter, some say a female has less hormonal issues....Yes, Yellow-Napes are the number one talker right now, Blue-Fronts are also good talkers...Do what your doing your doing it right.....;) A Yellow-Nape used to be called a Single Yellow Head....

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Madison sounds sooooo cute, I love it that your having conversations with him LOL. I still find it incredible that they don't only copy words but actually understand when and at what time they should be used! Great news as well that you have found out what you wanted to know about Maddison, it's also great that the lady was really friendly, she was probably really happy to hear how he was getting on :)

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