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Hello from Michigan

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I just wanted to give a quick introduction before work today. My name is Lauren and I am expecting to get my first African Grey (CAG) on Sunday. Greystone is a 17 year old rehome. My family already includes a 5yo cockatiel, 1 yo pineapple GCC, 2 children (9 & 11), and of course my husband. I am super excited about meeting Greystone but nervous about making his transition as smooth as possible.

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Welcome Lauren and Flock!!


It's always good to hear of someone taking in a grey in need of a loving home. :)


Looking forward hearing hearing more about you and greystone. We love photos and videos as well. So when you have some, post them. :)

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Hi Lauren, welcome to the board :) I wanted to take time out and Thank you for taking in a re-home Grey. I bet the excitement is just about killing you! I know I wouldn't be able to concentrate on work waiting until Sunday :P I can't wait to hear more about Greystone once you get him home and settled in.


I hope the transition goes smoothly for you both. If you have any problems or questions though just be sure to post them and I am sure someone here can offer some advice. We have many knowledgeable people here on the board.

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Welcome and bless you for you care and love for these grey't creatures. Here's some links where you can get some great info...http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190489-Welcome-PROSPECTIVE-and-NEW-GREY-Owner-s.. Here's a post we did on our rescues of aged birds....http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190489-Welcome-PROSPECTIVE-and-NEW-GREY-Owner-s.. #26, #33, #37



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Hello Lauren and welcome to our family, I am so pleased you are giving this grey a new forever home.

I think you will do fine since you already have other birds but do read thru the threads here for lots of useful and helpful information and if you don't find what you are looking for then by all means ask questions and we will help you in any way we can.

We want to see some pictures of Greystone after you bring him home and you can share some pics of the other birds you have in the other birds room if you like, we like all birds not just greys.

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