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my first baby arrives saturday

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hi to you all.. just a quick hello and to introduce myself.Im louise and ive had birds in the past but this saturday i pick up my first grey baby!! he will be 12 weeks when i get him and im so nervous but soo excited at the same time!! been to visit him a few times already and already love him to bits!! im sure ill have numerous questions for everyone so help would be much appreciated thanks;)

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Hello Louise and welcome to our family, congrats on acquiring your first grey and you are in for a treat if you didn't already know that.

You will have to share some pictures of your new little baby grey for we love to ohh and ahh over them.

I certainly understand your being a little nervous along with being excited for this is a major step you are taking and a lifetime committment to one of the most amazing creatures on this earth.

Spend a little time reading thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.

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thanx for the links jayd i have been wondering which way to go wether to leave him to settle are cuddle him straight away as whenever ive been to visit him ive held and cuddled him and do wish to continue doing so!! i want him to feel extremely important to me and my family and so loved by us all..

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