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Back from the Books - And Being Bitten!


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Hey gang, I have rejoined the world of the living after a really tough final semester at school. I'm happy that it's over, and I think I need to really so some more work on sociallizing Paco... He is utterly nasty to everyone but me, in fact, so nasty that I can't handle him after someone else has even come close to him. He just lunges and bites.


Any suggestions on how to start getting him more used to people??? I'll appreciate any help, again, I live alone, and I don't have many friends living in the immediate area.

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Welcome Back!

Rene doesn't like anyone either, and after a few lunges and bites and even a few surprise flight attacks now most people that come to my house are afraid of him, my compromise with this, was to keep Rene in the cage :( which I don't enjoy and neither does he but.. I have asked my company to just go talk with him he doesn't freak out when they approach the cage, he sits and gives them the evil eye! I also have my company be the *only* source of treats Rene loves sunflower seeds almonds and cashews those 3 things he goes absolutely nutty for!! I don't have that much company over maybe once or twice a week, but Rene is responding better each time, this has also worked for James my boyfriend Rene has not attacked him in awhile now, and James gives Rene a few almonds before bed every night ;) it is a slow process but I have been noticing signs of improvement, and I am hoping we can start letting Rene out again when company comes :) maybe this will work for you and Paco too!


I am editing my post only because I feel I have to defend myself:

"I know you state you don't have many people close, but I would certainly start inviting them over as often as possible to begin the socialization process. However, keep any up close and personal contact away and let your Grey do the closing of the gap as he chooses to. Anyone one getting in his "Space" is considered a threat at this time"

I would NEVER make Rene uncomfortable, and if he showed any signs of stress would not have people near his cage..(even though you have to walk by to enter my living room) He sits on his perch and just stares at strangers.. he speaks as soon as they leave the room and as soon as you turn your back he blows you a raspberry.. He has always accepted food from strangers and only lunges when out of the cage. He wasn't socialized at all in his former home, the birds just had to "deal" with strangers. But like I said what I am doing is working for Rene and I.

Edited by JJsHoney
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Any suggestions on how to start getting him more used to people??? I'll appreciate any help, again, I live alone, and I don't have many friends living in the immediate area.


The earlier you start socilaizing them by having people over frequently, the better. Being isolated 99 prcent of the time to just the owner, makes the occasional visitor a non-flock member, therefore not trusted at all.


As I'm sure you know, Greys are more phobic and leery than other Parrot species. This does not get better with age, it becomes more pronounced each month and year until they reach full maturity.


I know you state you don't have many people close, but I would certainly start inviting them over as often as possible to begin the socialization process. However, keep any up close and personal contact away and let your grey do the closing of the gap as he chooses to. Anyone one getting in his "Space" is considered a threat at this time.

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This is an issue I've thought about a lot. We have company very seldom. Our birds are shy of strangers, but tend to warm up to varying degrees once they've been present a while. I'm a little more concerned about this issue with Moussa, since as Dan points out, greys tend to be more shy and leery just naturally.


I was wondering. How does socializing with strangers as guests in the home compare with meeting them out and about on a harness?

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Paco seems to be better when I have him out, and I'm planning on buying a parrot pack-sack tomorrow to make it even easier to take him out on short jonts. The travel cage I have is great, but it just isn't practical for trips to the park where I need to walk at all, nor is the harness always easy to get on. A few weeks ago we were out for a harnessed walk and we were approached from a couple of older ladies. Paco immediately said "Hello" to them before starting to blow kisses! Yet the minute my Mom comes near him, he bites her thumb... And he took a gash out of my Dad's finger, I felt horrible about it.


Paco will NOT take food from strangers, and will only accept new foods that are cut up in his regular food that I offer, or if he sees me eating something while he is on my shoulder. Otherwise it is head down, and curved so I can't get near his beak! It's not like I've ever forced food on him. Silly bird!

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I think the trips out will do him the world of good. Even just sitting in the park watching the world go by will get him used to seeing people. We did this with Alfie and it really helped her to accept people in the house, not that she's ever really been aggressive to guests, but she is very relaxed around new folks now. Good luck.

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Wow! So this afternoon I tried to harness him, something that I've been doing fairly regularly over the past several months. Well, he'd have no part of it today! I knew I wasn't going to be successful in getting the harness on without first having my arm eating off, so I decided to give up, but getting the harness off was just as bad. I made sure we spent quite a bit of time together after, with me just talking softly. It doesn't seem to have damaged our relationship, but this "non-baby" phase (he was a year on June 10th) is tough!

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Ryan I think you are just going to have to rebuild Paco's trust in you as you have been busy with schoolwork and he is a little tiffed off because you were otherwise engaged and not giving him the attention he needs. I think in time he will come around but keep doing what you are doing. It also could just be a phase he is going thru as that is not uncommon, he is a little early for the terrible twos but be patient with him and I think he will be fine.

Oh and glad to have you back with us Ryan.

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