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Guest Mtang

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Tonight on Rona Downey's show on PAX called "Miracles" was a story about an African Grey named "Rupert". The lady who owned "him" and

Rupert were very close and Rupert was a great friend to her. One night after she put him into his cage and went to bed she heard him calling and then a THUD as if he had fallen off his perch. She got up to see about him and was knocked back into her room by flames.

Finally she got up her nerve and rushed into his room. He was on the bottom of the cage and she scooped him up. Rupert was lifeless and she put him into shower as a temporary burial site as she struggled to find her way out. The next morning she surveyed her home and it was gutted, both stories. She was picking her way thru the debris and asked a friend to go into the bath and get Rupert as she could not stand to see his lifeless body. Her friend picked her way thru much rubble, wall board, etc. As she pulled a piece away she saw Rupert backed into a corner. Both he and she were surprised adn when she reached for him he bit her. She called the owner who came and Rupert went into her arms. Rupert's immediate visit to an avian vet found him to be in good condition, particularly after all the heat and smoke. Oh ... and during the exam it was found that Rupert was not a male ... but a female. Her new name is "MIracle". It was a great ending.


Donald From Mississippi.

A real red neck in case you don't know one.

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