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A quick question about talking.

Cheshire Cat

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I was just curious at what age your greys began talking. Tui is around, on average I'd say, six months old. You know how it is in pet shops, they always try and make the animals out younger than they really are. Now, Tui will whistle and click and has even said 'hello' and then gurgles as if she's trying to talk and clear her throat.


I always talk to her and so does my fiancee. So she's always got talking going on around her. I was just curious as to the approximate ages that some greys speak at. I know talking isn't vitally important...just as long as your grey is healthy, but I would like her to talk.


When we walk out the room she really starts making a lot of noise, but it's mainly whistles and clicks.

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My Grey did not start until a year old, which is an average age for them to do so.


Some do start earlier, some later and some never talk, but become sound and parrotese aficionados . :)


Your grey sounds like an earlier starter, Congratulations!

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Josey didn't start talking until she was a year old also but she did a lot of gibberish that was probably her testing out and practicing her vocals before she actually made words and phrases that I could understand. Some will talk sooner and some later than one year and a few won't talk at all but the odds are in your favor that Tui will talk so just be patient.

For right now the noises she makes are pretty much what Josey did at her age but once they perfect talking then the floodgates are open and you will continually be amazed at what they can say.

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Biscotti said his first understandable words at around 7 mo., "what are you doing?". That opened the flood gates! He was 1 yr on June 1st & is accumulating quite a vocabulary. I think the age varies with each individual bird, with around 1 year being the average.

If Tui is already saying Hello, there is sure to be more coming soon! Enjoy.

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Our 2 greys have 5 feathered buddies: 2 GCCs, a Sun, Jenday-Sun mix, and a Gold Capped-Sun mix.


The Grey's also L O V E the Sprout channel (we leave it on the TV when we're gone).


They get a ton on non-human speech stimulus, so their vocabulaires are limited to what they want and what they get for input. This means our 15-month old greys say only a few words and it's only when they want to.


They prefer the theme to the sprout channel above all lol. It's fine by us :) As long as they're happy.

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