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Hi. I'm new to this forum and parrot ownership. I have an 11 week old Female TAG named Corona. I got her when she was 5 weeks old and have been hand feeding since. She is down to 1 feeding a day and is eating everything. So far not very picky. She has been fitting in very nicely with our flock, my 2 children and she loves my 2 golden doodles. It has been a wonderful experience so far watching her grow and develop. She is now learning to fly and I can't seem to keep her on her stand. Keeps wanting to fly to my shoulder. My question is I know they need to learn to flight but how to allow them to do that and keep them safe from running into windows and doors etc.. I must say she is a lot better now than a few days ago but still concerned in keeping her safe. Been reading a lot and see that there is a lot of valuable information here in this forum.





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Welcome Mark and Corona!!


It sounds like you are off to a great start with her. She is at fledging stage and wants to fly instinctively. You will also probably note a decrease in food consumption and weight during the fledging period to make flight easier.


At this point her flying skills are limited to zero in regards turning, slowing down, landing etc. That will all come with practice. For her safety, close curtains at least partially, cover mirrors etc. She will learn what a window or mirror is once she has gained good control. But at this time, she will fly straight at one possibly and not know how to slow down or turn very well if at all.


Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos. :)

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Hello Mark and welcome to our family, its great you have joined the ranks of grey ownership and we look forward to hearing a lot more about you and Corona.

Yes there will be accidents as she learns her flight skills but you can minimize some of it by putting some decals on your windows of there are no curtains, those will let her know she can't fly thru them but like a child you just have to let her fall a few times before she learns to walk or in this case fly.

Please continue to read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.

We love pictures here so if you have some of Corona you would share with us we would love to see them.

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