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well that didnt last long !!


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dog opened the back door this morning to get a drink, i didnt know & took milo on my shoulder to get fed & she was off !!! im absolutley gutted!! shes sitting in a tree around the corner but wont budge, as shes only 11 weeks old has no fave toy, food etc, im just lost for ideas !!! been there since 8 am untill 1530, i just came awayh hoping that when i go back in a hour she might be glad to see me & come down, as she hasnt been fed since her last meal at 1030 last night !

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well looks like the recall training paid off !!!!!, yahoo.gif i been there most of the day as i said, so i decided to go home for a hour or so to see if she would be glad to see m8, well she was, as soon as i started shouting etc she perked up i walkes backwards calling her & she took off & came to me & landed on my chest !!! so shes back home now safe & sound, i am so happy !!!!!! yahoo.gifyahoo.gif, that was some scare i can tell you, i love that bird !!

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thanks for the comments, it was my stupid fault at the end of the day, my dogs been popping out for drinks for years & i think i just got complacent, what i found about this is how fast and high a grey can fly at 11 weeks !!!!!, the dogs water dish is now inside lol, as for milo , well she is only getting out in front room with us now with doors & windows locked!!!

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