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Pet sitting


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We have not met before and we do not know each other. We are total stranger but this guy left his less than 2 months old grey with me to bird sit. He has to go on a business trip to oversea. We'll be caring this baby for 5 days.


I don't know how he took care of this baby. There were food stuck in her nostrils and hardened food on her body. We received this grey at 10.30pm yesterday and the 1st thing we did was to remove the hardened food in her nostrils.


This is the 1st time we pet sit a bird.











We got up at 5.30am this morning. There she is. She got up earlier than us.




Feeding the baby.

Edited by dhorje
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You are such a good person to do this for that owner and he won't recognize his baby when he gets back, not because it has grown some but because it is clean, it doesn't take long to clean off the food if it is done right after feeding and not letting it set until it gets hard. I am sure you will point this out to him and he looks so good afterwards too and so contented there with his full crop.

Thanks for sharing the pictures with us and it looks like Cocoa was wanting scratches from the new baby, so sweet.

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What a cutie, now that we can see the baby under all the formula :) The video of him eating is the sweetest, I love watching them, and that baby is very relaxed while eating lol, mine all but ate the syringe and all when it was time!! Thanks for caring for this baby and of course sharing with us ;)

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Those pictures made me well up. I wonder if there is a diplomatic way to help this stranger (when he returns from his trip) learn how to better care for this little chick? If he can allow food to dry onto a little chick, the cutest most helpless thing on the planet, then what is the bird's life going to be like when it grows up? Breaks my heart..

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It's wonderful that you and your wife have taken such good care of your friends baby grey. As others said, perhaps you can diplomatically explain the ease and importance of cleaning of the formula after feedings.


The photos and especially the videos were great! I loved the way Cocoa was so gentle and cautious of the erratic movements and behaviors of that baby. He was trying so hard to get some type of communication going using all his best body language. The foot-up was especially cute. :)

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That baby is adorable and the owner will not recognize it when he returns for it is so clean now and loved the videos of the baby by itself and the one with Cocoa, she looked like she wanted the baby to groom her but then it was hey back off a bit with the foot up, so cute to watch the two of them interact and you will miss the baby when its gone I bet.

Thanks for sharing them with us.

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LOL - At that age, they don't care what you do. It is wonderful you are doing this while bird sitting for your friend. Hopefully he will apply and continue all the great things you have done while watching him.


Thanks for sharing all these wonderful photos. They sure bring back many touching memories. :)

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I'm such a sucker for baby pictures!


I'm going to say, but I'm sure you know: please do your best to educate the owner on baby fid care. Heck, volunteer to wean this precious fid for him? That is such a precarious stage, and we all know how quickly things can go wrong.


Keep us updated because now I'm totally invested in this little guy's future ;)

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Thanks for sharing your adventures with bird sitting with us. The pictures of the little one bring back so many memories for me of mine at that age. They are such precious individuals and each one is really a treasure.

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FAREWELL LATTE, that's his name.


Finally, Latte's dad came to pick him up. I gave him some advice on how to take proper care of the chick.

He and his family spent about an hour with us. His wife was surprised to see how much Latte has grown.

Latte is going to miss us and we miss him too.


In fact I am glad that he came. We didn't have any form of agreement when he left the chick with us.

I was afraid that something bad would happen especially when the chick spent most of the day time sleeping.








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