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No Blue and Gold's for me :(


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Well I got the phone call I was afraid of this morning, no baby B&G's for me :( The breeder aparently expected a ton of eggs, he had many of them but alot were infertile, sooo that meant a smaller profit margine for him so he jacked up his price and my breeder who was purchasing a bunch from him refused to pay his prices plus shipping etc...


So now I have set my goal on next breeding season for a lilac crowned amazon I think..

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Sorry about the disappointment. I'm sure you would have done a great job with a B&G. But hadn't you had your sights set on a lilac crowned amazon before? I've never seen one, but I read that they're great birds.


I think a B&G would be too much bird for me. At the bird store where we trade, there was one available for rehoming once, and she took quite a shine to me. I was so-o-o-o tempted, but my husband reined me in.

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Well back before we got either of the Grey's I had talked to my boyfriend and we compared what kind of birds we liked did research etc, we had settled on a B&G, I was slotted to by a cage from some lady who gave away her birds *ugh* I had been calling breeders etc. One morning I woke up and during the evening I must of been dreaming about Grey's because I dove on line and fell into research lol..And we all know what happened there lol!

Not that long ago my cousin had called me and said his breeder friend had an awesome opportunity for B&G and Scarlet babies, So once again I started looking into them again, went and hung out with a few macaws just to see if my feeling had changed. Went to the pet store to start in advance for toys.. and yup you guessed it the lilac crown was there...

So as easily swayed as that might appear to be, I am trying to let my heart and maybe some birdy divine intervention tell me where this is headed... Believe me if I had room, time, and money I wouldn't hesitate to bring them both home with me :)

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I'm sorry Bonnie that your dream of having a B & G macaw is not to be at least for the near future but all things happen for a reason and if it is meant for you to have one then it will happen but an amazon would be a good choice too.

Exactly Judy! I'm going to sit back and enjoy this ride and see where it takes me, either way I have missed the chick time for both so maybe next year :)


Oh and I wanted to add, I absolutely love the big birds (there must be something wrong with my head but the big beaks don't scare me LoL) My cousin has a hyacinth and I just looove to sit and cuddle with him lol I go over to steal the affection that Rene doesn't give me!!

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You are so fortunate to have someone close that has a hyacinth that you can love on for they do say they are the gentle giants but you are the perfect one for one of the larger birds if you have no fear of those big beaks for they tend to intimidate most people including me, I will stick with the smaller parrots as in nothing bigger than my grey, I know my limitations.

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Bonnie, didn't realize you'd been looking at macaws for so long. Sounds like that's what your heart wants. I like them, too. Just thought it would be too much for me, with already having so many birds and no room for another macaw cage (spoiled cockatoo has a huge macaw cage).


One day I was in our local bird store looking at the babies (always got to see what new babies there are and love up on them!) and the guy working in there laughed and said, "Aw, just go ahead and get the macaw and get it over with!" LOL!

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