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Harnes help.


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I have a harness for my bird. I would love to take my bird outside but if you read my first post he has and will fly away. He is not scared of it if I leave it on the table next to him. But if I pick it up and bring it close to him then he freaks out. I miss being able to take him out like before he was able to fly. Any suggestions would be helpfull.

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He is about 4 years old. I am not sure on the type but it is the the one that goes over his head and around his body. No I didn't try a bigger harness. I thought it was just a trust issue. I never even thought of using a larger harness. Wouldn't he still be nervous about something going over his head.

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Since he is afraid of it this well take time. Lots of time. I cant get one on my grey at this time either.

First you have to be able to touch your bird and have him allow you to hold his wings up.

Once you can do this I would suggest you "wear" the harness when you are playing with your bird. Just drape it around your neck.

Take it slow you want the bird to think of the harness as a fun thing.

Does it have a hook? Shaped in a figure 8 or is it one of those flight suits that keep poop off you and has velcro? Or does it look like a safety harness with a sliding buckle?

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Yes as Tari has stated, it will take time for your Grey to get used to the Harness.


It sounds as though he is presently afraid of that new thing you are bringing close to him.


Maybe trying just hanging it on the outside of the cage for a while to get him a ease with it in close proximity.


Also, work on having him sit on a perch while you stroke and cover his eyes, stroke his wings and also left each one up individually.


This will get him used to the movements and actions you will be required to perform in getting the Harness on.

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I can't even touch his wings. I have touched them maybe 3 times the whole time I owned him. I can't even get passed his neck. I think I am just going to have to earn his trust a little bit more. But I will remember to keep the harness in sight while I am earning his trust. Thanks

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Some greys are a little more leary of touching them a lot, some here on the forum can touch theirs all over and some can't touch any more than you can on yours. Give it more time and take it slowly and maybe eventually he will allow you to touch him on the wings and such. Don't push or force anything, let him tell you when he is ready.

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The only way you can overcome your Greys fear of being touched is.. well.. you guessed it.. TOUCH HIM ALOT... and everyday.. for months.. After a while you will see that touching him doesn't freak him out anymore because you trained him that touching him doesn't mean he will be eaten.. You see, they freak out for only one reason.. They are afraid they are gonna be eaten.. Plain and simple.. So, if you want to be able to touch him.. Start touching him..

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Our grey Talon, hates to be touched. I have got it so I can rub her wings softly, and before I couldnt even touch her! Everyone has given great advice, you need to really be able to touch your grey all over.


In the aviator dvd, it suggests you dangle the harness in the cage, so they get use to the feel of the material. And thhey also suggest you wear it around your neck so they get used to it, and associate it with you.


Good luck!



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I don't dangle my harness on the cage. It is way to expensive to let a bird chew in two. I do have it near the play gym so all my birds can see it.

I can get it on Topaz but my Grey still want let me touch her. It may take a year or more with my Grey.

Another great way to take your bird outdoors in the mean time is one of those adventure packs. You can strap it on just like a back pack or carry it.

Im getting one with my Christmas money (Grandmother sends money ain't that nice lol)

Good luck and don't give up.

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Guest briansmum

i've been thinking about getting one of those.


anyway as for the harness, yes you need to be able to touch your bird everywhere to be able to use the harness, which is probably going to mean you're gonna get bitten a bit. take it slowly and in time, while your bird may not enjoy being touched he will allow it. i can roll my grey about and touch him everywhere except his tail! but we're working on that too.

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