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Issac Update - Week..uhm...8 Months


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Well...I ahd a little time and thought I would share the most recent news on Issac's behavior. He is certainly developing his own attitude and it shows. I think he is rounding his 40th week maybe...I have lost track at the moment and don't want to calculate. I have been having my daughter over more as I bought a Wii and we have been playing. I was worried that he would be flying all over us while we played, but he prefers sitting on his atom and doing all of his bird noises while we play. This is good. He even will pick out some noises that he can make from the games and copy them. That is pretty funny to both my daughter and I.


He still has a thing for my toes..and it tickles like crazy when he is trying to get at them while I am trying to do something else.


One thing is for sure, I am sometimes amazed at how much these lil guys need your attention. I can't tell you how many times I have to move a remote or anything else that he wants to get at. I buy him plenty of toys but he still seems to want to get into my toys I guess. It can sometimes be trying, but when I look at his cute curious gaze, I can't help but fall in love with him all over again. Even a short time away from him has me wanting to see him again.


Here is a question for the forum. Do you think that me copying his noises that he makes, makes him less likely to talk? I have often heard that if you whistle back at them and such, they may not be inspired to talk. Although I do hear him trying to talk. The things that I hear that are not identifiable as his 'regular noises' sound like attempts at words, and my daughter picked up on that as well. She was saying, 'Did you hear that, he is trying to say 'Hello''. So I really don't know.


At any rate, I just love him...sometimes I have to control myself to not kiss him on the back so much...I don't want to annoy him or smother him. It's crazy how much I love this bird....and you'll only hear me admit that here...as others think I am nuts.


By the way....the whole right side muscle structure of my back is throbbing with pain at the moment from bowling on the Wii. LOL...careful if you get one of those things.

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My Syd makes similiar noises but is definetly getting clearer and clearer, The sound they make is much different than their normal sounds , when they learn from a man they get a deep sound coming, Syd says hello a lot, starting to say how r ya? starting to call my wife's name in my deep voice,,,asked me "is that right" recently.

It wont be long for Issac until you understand him I think,,Syd is 33 weeks today!

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My Syd makes similiar noises but is definetly getting clearer and clearer, The sound they make is much different than their normal sounds , when they learn from a man they get a deep sound coming, Syd says hello a lot, starting to say how r ya? starting to call my wife's name in my deep voice,,,asked me "is that right" recently.

It wont be long for Issac until you understand him I think,,Syd is 33 weeks today!


Most Greys begin to form words around a year or so...so if he is becoming clear at 33 that is pretty good of Syd. I can tell when Issac is trying to say 'hello' because it comes out in his bird voice. He picks up noises fast for sure and I do make sure I keep talking to him all the time. I get super excited when I hear even a new noise he has picked up, so if he says his first word...I will faint and then post here.

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Thanks for the update.


I do not believe whistling and making sounds with your grey at a young age lessens the speaking chances one bit. Thats just my experience, but Dayo and I were playing sound and whistle games long before he spoke his first understandable word as such at 1 year old. he did mumble previous to a year, but I coul dnever swear exactly what he said.

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Thanks for the update.


I do not believe whistling and making sounds with your grey at a young age lessens the speaking chances one bit. Thats just my experience, but Dayo and I were playing sound and whistle games long before he spoke his first understandable word as such at 1 year old. he did mumble previous to a year, but I coul dnever swear exactly what he said.


You describe how Issac is. He does mumble and you can speculate on what he is trying to say...but it always leaves you with just enough doubt to question it. LOL. I always copy him, and he copies me and back and forth. Then I mix it up with the normal things I say to him, "Who's a good boy?", "Hello", "I love you", "Whatcha doin?". He seems like a little smartie, I have good hopes for him.

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