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Just wanted to say hi to you all before I go and have a good look around, I have 2 greys and 2 blue/green cheek conures. Eric is my eldest grey he is 11 years, he is a rescue bird and a plucker, I am hoping he is recovering now but its a long and slow process, he recently had a proceedure called "feather pinning" this is where donated primary wing feathers are implanted into his plucked feathers, I think the procedure was successful, but as you all know, it will take sometime to see the full advantage, I am seeing so much improvement, so i hope for the best. (Eric is not hand tame and fearful of human contact so that makes it a bit harder)

Echo is the baby grey at 2 and half years, I have had her from a baby and she is just fantastic, very loving and caring, my two little ones are great aswell, lovely company.

Anyways, I just wanted to say Hi and to give you all a little history about my flock, I have a few questions, so I will have a good look around and hopefully find some answers, if not i will post up for your help. Thanks in advance x Squid x

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Hi & Welcome! There's certainly a lot to see & a ton of greyt people to share with. Hope you'll feel right at home with a huge bunch of obsessed parronts.


Please don't worry if others have asked the same questions before you. Each post brings things to the top of the list where they can be revisited & that's often a good thing. It may help people see topics they've missed & maybe new ideas will get posted.


Sounds like you've got a nice little flock to keep you busy. I guess I get to beat everyone else who will ask for pictures... we're very big on them! And Phenix & I are very glad to hear from anyone with a rescue bird because we're big on them, too. ;)

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Thank you Birdhouse, I am very busy, especially this time of year, i built a summer aviary last year, so still busy furnishing it, the weather is good here at the moment, so they go out most afternoons, they love it. A few questions regard the aviary so i hope you are prepared (laughing smilie should be inserted here, but I dont know how to do it lol x)

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Hello Squid and welcome to our family, so glad to hear you have taken in a rescue grey and I look forward to hearing more about you, Eric and Echo.

You have certainly come to the right place looking for advice for we have plenty of it in our many threads so browse thru them at your leisure and do ask those questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.

We love pictures here so if you have some of Eric and Echo you would share with us we would love to see them.

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