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New baby Jasper... I think I'm lucky!


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Hello everyone,


There is such wonderful information on every topic, I am so excited. Based on what I've read, I feel very lucky with my new grey. He is about 15 weeks, I just brought him home on Sunday. He steps up 90% of the time when asked, he's all chirpy and excited morning and night, and he seems to have accepted my dogs. He growled at them on day one and has not growled since even though they have been in very close proximity. I really feel like I couldn't have asked for a more confident well-socialized baby. Did I hit a goldmine or is there something I'm missing? He plays independently with new toys and is even sampling new fresh foods I know he's never had before. It is day 3 and he appears to be right at home.


My one concern is his wings. He was clipped before I brought him home and he gets really excited every evening it seems. He tries to fly to my fiance (who I think is his favorite person,) he appears to want his shoulder... how do I minimize bumps and bruises whilst encouraging him? We both watch him while he's out always. He really seems overly confident and social, it is amazing. Thank you.

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Welcome blister919!


Sounds like you have a wonderful infantile grey there. :)


At that age, most accept all types of things and do not resist interaction or step-ups if they were raised to that age by a good breeder.


In regards the wing clipping and trying to fly to your fiancee. I assume it is a moderate wing clip and thus your baby can fly either level or lose altitude very slowly. If not, make sure you have a good carpeted area or blanketed area for him to come to a softer landing. The same should be applied in his cage as well until he becomes more coordinated.


If he is ok on the shoulder and will step-up when asked from there, your fine and you just need to be consistant in what he can and cannot do there.


As they age, they become more cautious of people and new items. But, for now enjoy the babay grey!!! :)


Looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos.

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I was wrong about my grey's age, he is 19 weeks old. I was recently searching the forum for an answer on beak grinding and am happy to find it is a "content" and "secure" thing. It worried me because I used to grind my teeth as an adolescent, and it was not a good thing. I am loving this forum, the only thing that saddens me a little is the wing clipping issue. A lot of respected members on this forum are highly against clipping wings. I went to the vet to have some tests done on Jasper to make sure he's a healthy bird and asked him his opinion. For my household and lifestyle (with dogs and many glass doorways in view) I think it is the right thing. My bird seems to be a very confident one. Only having him for 8 days , he has 3 different play areas he glides down and walks to in front of my 2 large dogs. I made some foraging toys for him today and he's having a ball. I am letting him do whatever he wishes with the exception of nipping ears while he's on the shoulder... he gets several verbal warnings which seem to deter him before he's returned to the cage if he persists. He is stepping up regularly and doing well with that. Any advice anyone can give on issues I may have because he's clipped will be welcomed, I am happy to have found this forum. Thank you.

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Thank you Jayd

After reading the "wing clipping" thread I will kindly keep my opinions of the subject to myself. I am clearly outnumbered and definitely do not feel comfortable posting there. For the most part it was wonderful information, minus the slander on people who chose to clip.

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I'm sorry you feel the way you do. I just re-read all the thread, and I couldn't find any "slander" against anyone, some healthy disagreement and firm beliefs on both sides. I wish you would make a response, it would be highly valued, and the Moderators would make sure you weren't "flamed. I personally respect a members opinion whether I agree or not, I would voice my opinion as I feel you should. Jayd

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  • 1 month later...

While I firmly believe that any parrot, but greys in particular, should be left unclipped, I do respect people that have researched this subject and decided a flighted bird is not for them. I feel a lot of birds are clipped due to lack of knowledge on the owner's part, but it seems you've looked into it.


Congrats on the addition of Jasper, he's quite adorable! :)

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