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Advice needed please


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My 2 year old African Grey recently seems to have been under the weather, fluffed feathers, lethargic and quiet.

I took her to the vet and he said there were no viral or respiritary problems and that the problem could be lack of calcium. He gave her an injection and a calcium supplement and recommended I changed to a pellett based diet which I have done and she loves.


Cybil seems better, less ruffled and playing as normal ( a week later), the only worrying thing is that she has not spoken or really made a sound now for a week and a half or so. She is eating fine and does not seem off her food.


I rang the vet and he didnt seem to think it was anything to worry about - she just seems depressed. I have checked her environment for anything I may have moved or replaced etc but she still seems the same.


Im not sure what to do, as she used to talk a lot

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Is your vet an Avian vet? There sounds like there is something else wrong. Please be persistent and push to find out what may be causing her to be so quiet. Sounds like she is sick in some way. Please keep us posted.

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Talon is right. If your vet did not perform blood tests, stool sample etc. you may wish to ask that he does. Otherwise it is an educated guess, without results from tests.


I know you must be worried sick. Hang in there, it sounds like you are doing all the right things.

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Cybil may have seemed ok to the vet but you know your bird better than anyone else so you may have to get a second opinion if the vet said she was fine but if the vet didn't perform blood tests and such then maybe its time for further investigation for it seems to me she just isn't herself, my opinion of course.

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One of my tiels went thru all the tests with a clean bill of health twice but I was sure something was wrong. On the 3rd trip she spiked an incredible blood sugar number where the other trips it had been fine. She was in the early stages of becoming diabetic.


Please, don't think that I'm suggesting that this is what's wrong with Cybil. It may not even turn out to be anything really serious. But the vet can only see so much from one visit. Don't be afraid to believe your instincts vs the vet's diagnosis because you may very well be right. Don't stop until you feel comfortable with Cybil's condition.


We're all hoping for the best. Please let us know how things work out.

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