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The story of Lola


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Sad story.


I cannot believe this person takes the birds outside, then leaves them out there unattended. never mind the fact we all know clipped birds fly away everyday. You know besides the fact they can fly off, there are also a million hawks flying around that would love to make a snack of a Grey or any other bird for that matter.


It sounds as though, Lola may have been actually sighted in that neighbors yard, but you just never know unless you retrieve them.


I'm not certaiin what you were looking for with the question "What do you think", but gave you what I think... :)

I hope Lola is found.

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dang it....I put my Syd out in my backyard in a nice cage while Im outside doing chores,,,even tho it is locked up tight I find myself constantly going to check on him to make sure all is ok..

I hope Lola is found safe and sound...there are lots of dangerouis critters in cities.

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I agree with above comments. I don't even feel comfortable leaving Moussa in another room alone for any time without peeking to be sure he's fine. I do hope Lola is recovered safe and sound.


It does sound like this lady is a bit eccentric. Also, I have to wonder about an interior designer who would describe a grey's tail as orange.

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What do I think? I think the pop ups and ads that I was inundated with on that site made me want to close my browser, grab an AK-47 and head the nearest McDonalds.


Seriously LA Times? All your web developers deserve a beating. And when I say a beating, I mean a.la Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels beating. If you've seen it you know what I mean.




"It was late afternoon, and Lola and Charlie were perched amid the bamboo on Alexis Readinger's back patio, pecking at a clove of garlic. Readinger left them there — she had a meeting with a client inside — and when she came out, Lola was gone."


She left a fully flighted grey outside alone? Is she retarded? People like this don't need to be parrot companions. Alexis is a an unfit parront and a moron.


I'm sorry to be so harsh, but I have a low tolerance for stupidity that costs lives. In particular, feathered lives.

Edited by Lambert58
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LOL Lambert58. I find it odd that she assumes Lola flew away. Since the birds were outside unattended (seriously??) it is possible that someone came along and snatched her. Granted it does seem more likely that she flew away, but you never know. I guess we should ask the psychic!


I hope Lola is safe and happy, where ever she is.

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What do I think? I think the pop ups and ads that I was inundated with on that site made me want to close my browser, grab an AK-47 and head the nearest McDonalds.


Seriously LA Times? All your web developers deserve a beating. And when I say a beating, I mean a.la Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels beating. If you've seen it you know what I mean.




"It was late afternoon, and Lola and Charlie were perched amid the bamboo on Alexis Readinger's back patio, pecking at a clove of garlic. Readinger left them there — she had a meeting with a client inside — and when she came out, Lola was gone."


She left a fully flighted grey outside alone? Is she retarded? People like this don't need to be parrot companions. Alexis is a an unfit parront and a moron.


I'm sorry to be so harsh, but I have a low tolerance for stupidity that costs lives. In particular, feathered lives.


I could not say what I'm thinking any better. This woman should not own pets.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Missing parrot found

Lola, an African gray, braved the wilds of L.A. for 24 days before she was found two miles from home in Silver Lake. Her rescuers get a reward.

July 27, 2010|Kate Linthicum, Los Angeles Times


Sachi Cunningham, Los Angeles Times

Lola, the African gray parrot whose Silver Lake owner put up billboards when she went missing, has been returned home safe and sound.


She was discovered two miles away, on the balcony of a house in East Hollywood. Margaret Starr, the home's owner, spotted her perched in a pot of geraniums after she attracted the attention of Starr's cats.

Starr, 71, slipped on a pair of oven mitts and picked the bird up, putting an end to Lola's 24-day adventure in the wilds of Los Angeles. Lola took flight from Alexis Readinger's backyard on June 26. Readinger searched for her high and low, with the aid of a psychic, a pet detective, two bloodhounds and 400 fliers. On traveling billboards stationed across Silver Lake, she offered a $2,000 reward for the parrot and described Lola's taste for "almonds, oranges and ice cream."


Dozens of strangers called to offer advice or say they had spotted the bird. But none of the leads led to Lola until last Wednesday, when Starr called after spotting Readinger's Craigslist post.


At first sight, Readinger wasn't convinced the parrot was hers, she said. This bird, she said, had a wild way about her, "like a raptor in the wind." And when she said "hello," it was in a lower register than Lola's typically high-pitched greetings.


But then Readinger recognized the scar on Lola's talon, where she had once been clipped by a closing door.


When Lola left, Starr and her husband, Marvin Friedenn, found themselves missing the silvery bird.


"She had filled the house with her energy," said Friedenn, 71.


Readinger decided to thank the couple by using a portion of the reward money to buy them a parrot of their own and Starr and Friedenn asked that Readinger donate the rest to a nonprofit that cares for cats. The couple have named their new bird l'Odeon after their favorite street in Paris.


As for Readinger, a few days ago she bought some red spray paint and set out to update her billboards.


"Lola Found," they now read. "Thnx, L.A. We [ heart] you."

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" Readinger searched for her high and low, with the aid of a psychic, a pet detective, two bloodhounds and400 fliers. On traveling billboards stationed across Silver Lake, she offered a $2,000 reward for the parrot and described Lola's taste for "almonds, oranges and ice cream."


Of course I'm glad Lola got home but..


"She had filled the house with her energy," said Friedenn, 71.



I... Um... really? I'm so glad I don't live in L.A.



Edited by Lambert58
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I think it's ridiculous that someone as people have rightly said would leave a parrot UNATTENDED! Jeez. Have some people got no brain? It reminds me of Andrew who lost Tui; I was so upset over that and even my mom was. This is how I got my own bird's name, in dedication to Andrew's beloved bird. But from what I can see he was watching her the whole time and in his video, he cried about the incident. My heart went out to him.


This person I don't feel sorry for. I'm glad the bird was found in the end, but it's the bird who went through the traumatic experience.

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  • 4 years later...

A very late thank you to DrTak for his post. Lambert58 and Chesire Cat really aren't adding much, in my opinion. I erred in leaving my lola girl unattended, yes, and when I suffered that error, I did EVERYTHING I could to find Lola, because she is my responsibility and my love. And it was through great effort on my part and that of the a large part of the Los Angeles community that I was able to bring her home. In the process of trying to find her, I received so much support from LA and I am so grateful. If anyone loses their birdie, and stumbles on this post, please reach out to me. I am happy to help and know a bit about it. Peace and love. And, by the way, Lola is living large!

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This thread is filled with ghosts from the past. Only one or two of the posters are still here. Grave digging threads must be fun though. Must have just been googling the net and found something about your story?


yep. and just wanted to support the original poster. <3

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Maybe a side point, but ice cream? Birds should not be given dairy.


It is very fortunate Lola was found. I am wondering, what was her weight like when she was recovered?


Edit: I was just asking because it is always so distressing to hear about birds who have gotten lost outdoors, and every time I hear it I wonder if there is any small chance the bird might be able to survive. Since Lola was found almost a month after being lost, it seems likely she got food from somewhere. If her weight was good, one might conclude that it isn't necessarily a death sentence for a parrot to be lost. That would make me feel a whole lot better about all these missing bird stories. :)

Edited by Saskia
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