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Caught in the act


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Gryphon has been a houdini bird since I brought him home. They don't often stay in their cages except at night, and he is definitely good at expressing his displeasure at being "locked up."


He has managed to unscrew every door on his cage - from the inside - except the top shelf door, which has hidden hinges. Today I had the birds in their cages while I was cleaning in the kitchen. Suddenly, I heard a loud bang...and looked around the corner to see that my bird had removed the bottom screw on a food access door -while the food bowl was still locked in. I don't know about you, but I have small fingers and it's difficult for me to even get back there when a food bowl is in place! I do not know how the bugger does it! Lo and behold, the door was hanging precariously and my houdini bird was about to push it out and make good his escape.gryph-houdini.jpg

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Oh my!! Looks like you are going to have to get real creative to keep "Houdini" from escaping. It's really amazing what they are able to accomplish when they want to! Glad you were home, wouldn't that be mess if you were not. You may actually have to "lock" Gryphon up! :)

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:rolleyes: Looks like Gryphon is a bit of a challenge.


I have a cage that's similar to this one. This hasn't got anything that he should be able to reach to unscrew. Any access could be clipped/quick linked, if needed.


I like the cage, well enough. Great door! But I'm not crazy about the cup holders. There are only 2. If the bird is waiting for food, I have to be careful toes don't get caught when I clip the bowl in. So I added some of my own & it's all good.


Other than that, mine is large, strong, lightweight & well made. I got it like 32nd hand at a yard sale & repainted the litter tray & base. I was amazed how the surface rust on the rest of the cage came off completely with a lemon juice & salt scrub & there was no damage underneath.


I don't know if mine is a PH or another manufacturer's. If it helps, I've seen this style cage on Ebay, Craig's List & yard sales.


Good luck with your little escape artist ! !


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