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He believes Cocoa is an eagle.


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We went hiking this morning. The starting point was quite tough because it starts with steep slopes. After climbing the slopes, I took a break waiting for my wife to catch up. A man was coming down from the opposite direction. He saw me and Cocoa. He asked, " you have a bird on your shoulder. what bird is that?" I replied, " it's an eagle." He asked again, "how long have you been keeping this EAGLE? Hahaha! He really believed Cocoa is an eagle.

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Thats funny Sanggay but wow he thought Cocoa was an eagle, most people would mistake them for a pigeon but he really believed she was an eagle just because you said she was, some people need to get out more, thanks for giving me a laugh today.

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I went hiking again this morning, this time only Cocoa and I as my wife had to go to the wet market. I met another hiker when I was taking a break.

He asked if Cocoa was a parrot. He then asked if I had an eagle which he saw me carry around in the street. He didn't know Cocoa was the eagle he saw in the street.

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