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Respect Among the Flock


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With 2 Grey's in the house and Dixie being the first of all of the birds, we treat her a little differently than the others since she was first. By this I mean she gets fed first, taken out of her cage first and is the last to go to bed. She has special priviledges as in being allowed to go where ever she wants in the house (the others are confined to my office). She dominates my office in her "special" way - no one is allowed on her cage except her, but she's allowed (or so she thinks) on everyone elses cage. When she does that she always gets put back on her own cage, but I don't think she sees it that way, she obviously thinks I'm just giving her a lift back to her house. No one is allowed on her boing, but she can play on any toy she wishes. You get the picture. I rearranged my office about 3 months ago and moved Beau's cage nearer to Dixie's and the rope door I created for him to play on. They have been very good being in close proximity to each other, no lunging, no arguments, no fights - basically just ignoring each other.


Today while Beau was on his rope door, Dixie decided she wanted to play on the rope door. She didn't fly over to it, she didn't pitch a fit, she didn't climb over Beau's cage to it. She climbed down her cage, walked across the floor, and walked out of my office into the hallway. She found a toy that had fallen down and played with it. This lasted about 15 minutes, and when Beau was done playing, he climbed back over to his cage and got off the door. Dixie looked and looked and survey the situation, making sure Beau wasn't coming back. This took a good 3 or 4 minutes. Beau was playing with a toy on his cage by this time and it was then that Dixie decided it was ok to climb up the rope door. She's been up there for about 30 minutes now climbing and playing.


Beau has now decided that he wants back on his rope door. He climbed back up to the top of his cage and has clucked at Dixie a few times and she has answered him. The funny part was, she climbed down the rope door, walked back across the floor and climbed up her boing. Leaving Beau to get back on his door. I stopped studying to watch this evolution and had to post it. It's amazing at how these two are respecting each other - now to convince Dixie to quit pooping on the conures...lol.



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