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Cocoa lost the battle


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Cocoa is a dominant bird and also a jealous bird. Most of the time she refused to let Mocha (a Hill Mynah for those who do not know) to perch on our shoulders. Cocoa would chase Mocha away. Not only that, she also chased Mocha away from the kitchen cabinet and the fridge.


This morning Mocha followed my wife to the dressing room. He likes to perch on the clothes rack. Cocoa flew in later and perched on the curtain rail at the window. Mocha chased Cocoa away and took over the curtain rail. Cocoa then flew to the door. And again Mocha went to "attack" Cocoa. Cocoa had to flee and she crash landed outside the room. Mocha claimed his 1st victory over a bird almost twice his size.

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Oh dear, so sorry Cocoa your reign is over and a new king has arisen. Long live the king.


As Demosthenes said, "The man who runs away may fight again." From that line is derived the modern day version, "He who fights and runs away will live to fight another day." So be patient Cocoa perhaps your day will come again.


I'm glad every birdie is fine, you gave us a moment's scare there Sanggay. (tsk, tsk)

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That Mocha isn't taking any crap off of Cocoa even though he is much smaller than her but I bet that was cute to watch, thanks for sharing that with us.

May I suggest you word it a little different as when I first saw the title I almost choked on my heart, it was in my throat!:eek:

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