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broken beak!! Advice please


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It's not possible to make an accurate judgement as far as the extent of the damage without a pic but if the blood has stopped, chances are that it won't start again as long as you remove hard types of food such as parrot mix for 2 days. If it's a serious crack or a large piece has broken off and it's constantly bleeding it's best that you see a vet so that he can treat the broken area. It usually isn't serious and the vet can correct the problem quickly. If you have any aloe gel, dab a bit on the area that's broken. The gel will coagulate the area. It won't hurt your bird if he swallows some.

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It has stopped bleeding now. it is only the tip that broke off and you wouldn't even notice unless you look close so hopefully it's ok. He was chewing on the perch when it broke off :( I have aloe juice but no gel. I can get some tomorrow. Thanks Dave

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Only the tip? not to worry. That happens all the time. i had a feeling it was the beak but it's better that you said it. It's a good idea to get some aloe gel-very cheap and all drug stores and drug sections of stores have it. Instead of me typing it again, just go to 100% Aloe vera juice thread in Health Room and on the lower part of it you'll see all the benefits of having aloe gel around--it's a rough description of many things it can be used for.

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Just wanted to let you all know that today George is grand not a bother on him talking away still non stop Lol i don't think he even noticed anything had happened at all. I still have his toys out of the cage so that he wont be chewing on them today. Give it time to heal more

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