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I just kept adding things to my cart... I couldn't stop myself! (cabirdnerds order)

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Getting ready for Spencer's homecoming in September, scoffed at the price of retail toys and thought, I'll make my own! Found cabirdnerds.com and umm... just kept clicking "add to cart".... and this is the result... just opened it.. it was like Christmas! lol! I love all the colors! I hope this keeps him busy for a good long while! (I know actually *making* the toys should keep ME busy!)


I was very impressed with all of it, very nice color assortments and packaged superbly, and nothing missing! :D


It looked innocent enough all packed together...




But then it turned into this...







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Wow that is a lot of stuff but your grey will go thru it quickly if Spencer is like all the other greys, guess we know what you will be doing in the next few weeks, please be sure to post some pictures of the finished products as I am curious to know what you make of all that stuff. 4_1_9.gif

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I think I'm enjoying it more than he will! He will probably wind up being one of those "forget the toy, give me the cardboard box it came in" kinda kids... LOL


Believe me thats not that crazy an idea to give them a box to play with, some enjoy getting inside boxes and peering out or just destroying it but it can provide hours of fun and hey you can't beat the price, you would be surprised at what they will play with and enjoy and it doesn't cost a cent, how about the top off of a pop bottle, my Josey loves to play with those.

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Christmas came early this year - what fun!!! I just came into this forum to find a good place to buy pieces so thanks for the site. You are going to have a great time making toys - hope you post pictures of all of your creations. I don't even want to know what your total came to - yikes!!

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Don't misunderstand what I said - I didn't mean anything bad by my comment.


I know exactly what you meant, we do spend a lot of money on our fids but they are like our human children in that we care about them the same as any other family member and so the money spent on toys and such is money well spent, true some of us may spend more than others but no one understands how we really feel about our fids but other bird people. Lori did get a lot of stuff in that shipment but look how many different kinds of toys she can make from all that and the hours of enjoyment it will provide, she may not have to buy anything more for quite a while so it is money well spent and I can't wait to see some of the toys she makes with the pieces.

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Oh brother. I didn't mean it in a way that was judging her and you don't need to justify her purchase. I have been shopping for parts and have been pricing everything so I was just commenting out of jealousy in a GOOD way! Sorry if my words seemed to say something different. This is ridiculous - I think I'll go back to lurking.

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Don't feel bad Caleigha I totally get what your saying :) That grey is so lucky! i wish i could buy lots of things like that too!! Imagine the excitement waiting for that parcel to arrive and the weeks of fun making things :) Don't go back to lurking :( Your input is valued here :)

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Oh brother. I didn't mean it in a way that was judging her and you don't need to justify her purchase. I have been shopping for parts and have been pricing everything so I was just commenting out of jealousy in a GOOD way! Sorry if my words seemed to say something different. This is ridiculous - I think I'll go back to lurking.


I don't see anything wrong with your post (posts) and I don't think Judy meant any harm either. Please reconsider going back to lurking and stick with us :)

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Like the others, I cannot wait to see what toys you come up with, either! Thanks for posting the pictures! Now I have a question for you - how are you going to store and organize the items? I am about to place an order with that site (and have been adding things to my shopping cart for 10 days now!!!!), but wonder how I'm going to keep it all sorted out and organized once it gets here. (I live in a verrrry small home!)

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Oh my goodness, I'm jealous! In fact, I think I'm going to place a sizeable order with that site as soon as I can figure out what to buy. We just brought our girl home yesterday but I've been wanting to make toys for her since we first met Maggie. I just need to figure out what to buy and go from there I suppose. Good luck and post some pictures of the toys you make!

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Whoops, I forgot this site doesn't notify you of more posts unless you visit the page again. I'm sorry I didn't see the replies till now!


Firstly, caleigha, I didn't see anything wrong with your post at all :) It actually all came to about $270 + shipping. Not so bad really, thats like 10 large toys! And I hope I can make more than 10 large toys with all that!


These toys don't spoil, so, assuming and hoping I'll have my new friend for a long time to come, its not like they won't all be used eventually. I'm a crafter that likes to have everything handy first, then I can put stuff together. So this is great fun!


I'm in a small place too. It all fits into one box, and I'm just planning on keeping it all in a box in the closet or under the bed. With the cage and playgym coming, a box of toys is the least of the space concern! ;D


Thanks everyone, I'll post more pics once I have made something worth showing.. LOL

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Heehee! What a fantastic bundle! I was clicking away on a website last night and had to do a virtual abandon-my-trolley-in-the-aisle manouevre, freaked myself out with how much I was about to spend! Yes, it will all get used eventually, and just think of how much you've saved in shipping by doing it all in one go ;)

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