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Issac Week 35ish? - Toe Lover


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So Issac continues to bring tons of joy to me. One thing that sticks out over the last week is his sudden affection for my toes. He will go down by my toes and rub his head on them and beak at them which makes me laugh because it tickles. I think he gets a kick out of it. He also wants me to scratch his neck with my toes as well. It's too cute and I have a picture I will have to post later. To add to it all, he has also regurgitated to my toes twice in the last week. This bird always has something he is focused on. He has also destroyed to fronts of my shoes. I was planning to get some new ones soon so i let him have at it. And you know how it is, sometimes you see them happy and busy doing something, and you are just thankful for the peace even if it means losing an item or two.


One thing I always wonder about but never brought up, is why he gets so excited when I floss my teeth. He will fly to my shoulder and start panting and beaking at my ears. Puzzling little guy sometimes.


He is making tons of sounds as usual. He learned a new one from me which I cannot really explain, but when he did it I was like, 'What the heck sound is tha......ohhh my goodness..that is me!". I started laughing out loud and he has been doing it on and off ever since. There is something wonderful about a bird trying to immitate you.


Those are all the updates for now. I know I haven't been posting much lately but it's not for the lack of wanting too. I am just so busy trying to further my career lately that it is taking over. I'll keep popping in from time to time. Take care all for now, I will post pictures later. :)

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Thanks for the update Stephen. I was really missing these weekly updates and assumed you were probably in the middle of moving, in regards your last post of rent going up.


They do love toe's, sometimes it's almost like they think they are disassociated from us somehow. :)

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They do love toe's, sometimes it's almost like they think they are disassociated from us somehow. :)


I noticed that as well, he doesn't seem to make the connection that these are attatched to me. With the way I yelp and laugh when he does it, you would think he would know.

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This is so funny! Piper does the same. He loves cuddling with my feet more than anything. Overall he loves feet and toes but he doesn't like my mom's toes. If he sees her bare feet he chases at her toes and bites them. it really hurts though. But it is hillarious!!! Little toe fetish of him!

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