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Pippa, another 'differently abled' bird.


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Ooooh, I have been shopping! Bottle of Aloe Juice, Aloe Vera plant, big willow tubey, circular rope swing, wood with holes to be stuffed with goodies, sisal string, stainless steel screws for MAKING THE NEW PLAYGROUND!!


I am still in the planning stages, and very much enjoying seeing everyone's play areas and being inspired. Can't wait to make it, but this is serious business and I want to get it right! I'm moving into a much smaller place soon, so looking to build something that will fit on top of Pippa's bookcase. The clothes horse is great, but takes up floor space, and the bottom half doesn't get used anyway.


Lambert58 - she let me spray her! I took Dave's advice of trying it close up, and it was much, much better than the falling rain approach I'd used before. I feel bad for not having persevered with this sooner, especially as she has feather/skin issues, but have felt very encouraged by everything I've read here :D

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I managed to get some pictures of Pippa's poorly feet - wondered whether any of you have seen this sort of thing before? If you've had a bird with this sort of problem, have you got any tips for making life easier for them? Many thanks.



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Well Pippa had an eventfull day. It was beak trimming time again. I have no idea how or when it happened, but she may have damaged her beak at some point to make it grow funny. Previously, it's been trimmed when the right side of her lower mandible has grown some way across the upper, not wanting to put her under anaesthetic any more frequently than necessary. But I got to thinking...once it starts creeping up that side, then forces acting upon it will only perpetuate this wonky growth. I was about to take her in a few weeks ago, when mysteriously the end was suddenly gone :eek: leaving just a tiny bit of overgrowth. So, I decided to get that trimmed back straight away, and keep up with it, hoping that we can encourage the tip to fit inside the upper mandible. Seeing as it was such a small amount, we decided to try and do it concious, which was fine. She was a little perturbed, but no more than when having an anaesthetic induction anyway. The funny bit was when the vet asked her to put her tongue back in, and she proceeded to stick it out as far as it would go.


When we got home, she had a big old wander and a play on the table. She seems to have a thing about mugs, and dashes over as soon as you have a cup of tea. I wondered whether her old man used to give her tea to drink, but she only seems interested in throwing the cup around. I wondered whether giving her a cup in her cage would help her get over this obsession. I put a cup out to see what would happen. She was playing away, mouthing and throwing it, when I suddenly realised it was the same kissy frenzy she uses on my fingers before she gets frisky. And sure enough, the wings got lifted up and out slightly..... and then she decided to mount the mug. Or try to. Not an easy task when you are somewhat physically challenged in the leg department. I removed the mug. Is it ok to let them have inanimate objects to get jiggy with? Or will that also lead to more frustration?


I decided to give her a water spray later on (cool her off a bit!), and though she tolerated it so far this week, she made her feelings clear today. She ran away, made a gurgley water noise, and shouted 'KNICKERS!' Another of her old man's expletives...


I've been very inspired by Shanlung's writings about working with his birds, so have taken many steps backwards to really work on trust and very, very, basic handling tasks with Pippa. I doubt very much whether she/we could ever get to the point of free flying, but perhaps to be able to take her outside safely on a harness would help add more colour to her life. Even if that were not possible, I think there is a great deal to be learnt from Shanlung's approach to birds, and I do so enjoy his writing and beautiful pictures.

Edited by Tweedle
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I absolutely love all the photos today and previously posted!


Seeing photos of Pippa perching in the cage, on stand and in the carrier you would never suspect she has any disabilities.


Her breast area certainly is sprouting new growth, congratulations and thanks for this wonderful update. :)

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Thankyou :) It's nice to have somewhere to talk about it!


Do you think those will be 'proper' feathers or just fluffiness? They don't look very dense compared to the rest of her, I don't know whether she has damaged them over the years and may forever be 'sparse'. But hey, as long as she's happy, so what if she has a reverse Brazilian! heeheehee

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They appear to be the down feathers to me, but the breast area is comprised of hundreds of very small feathers. It's just great to see them coming in. You will not be able to tell if there has been permanent damage to the follicles until you see bare patches if the others are actually left ot grow. I am hoping and praying she will not pluck or bite them off. She is receiving such loving care that if it's possible to stop that behavior, she is in the right place. :)

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Yes, they appear to be mostly downy ones. I'm not sure many more will come in that lower area/keel, but higher up the breast is looking the best it has since I first got her. I've been on holiday, and back to work tomorrow, but my other half is home at the moment so she'll have company. *Fingers crossed for no plucking frenzy*

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Thankyou Azzie. I can assure, the pleasure is all mine. :)


Today Pippa munched a hole in her adventure pack cover. Guess she's not so scared of it now.


And I discovered she doesn't recognise peanuts cut up into bits. It's got to be the whole thing, or it's not a peanut.

Neither is she familiar with naked sunflower seeds.

This treat testing is going to take some time!

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We are making progress by going backwards! Training-wise I have gone right back to the begining. Not getting very far with the treat testing though, she is suspicious of everything.


Pippa will step up from her cage top, but not happily from anywhere else. So I decided to completely stop getting her to do it by 'making' it happen, but to ask for it instead. I want her to know that she doesn't have to be scared/worried, I'm not going to make her do it, I'm not going to make her do something else afterwards, and if she does want to do it, Good Things happen.


I have only 'asked' for a step up from the top of her cage, where I know she is happy to do it, and every single time I have made excited happy noises, immediately delivered a peanut, and put her straight back on the cage where I know she is happy.


We've been doing this for a couple of days.


So this evening, I held my hand near her, but not close, no so close that it pushes a step up to happen. I asked for a step up. She gave me that 'Nope' look. So with the other hand I showed her and told her 'I've got a peanut for you'. I could literally see the thought cross her face 'Oh, OK then!', and she jumped/fluttered the distance to my hand. Whoop Whoop! Here's your peanut! Enjoy it on your cage honey!


Choice. Reward. Trust. Now I've just got to build on it, ever so slowly, and never give her the chance to doubt me. Just hope I can keep my impatient human nature in check.....

Edited by Tweedle
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Awww, Gosh *blushes* You're all very kind.


Another weekend, another pub! I wonder how long it'll be before she learns the word.


We had an outing to a friend's yesterday, and Pip seemed happy in her travel pack again. I ended up staying longer than I intended, and we decided to go to the pub to eat too, so decided to let Pippa out to stretch a bit, as it's a bit of a cosy little cage. She sat on top of it and was soon in mega preen mode. I'm assuming it was a content and relaxed thing, though I suppose it could've been a displacement activity if she was stressed. What do you think? If she had been stressed by the (tethered) dog, I imagine she wouldn't have taken her eyes of it.


Pub was good, I shared a bit of food with her, posting carrot and green beans into her pot, to be ignored. Jokingly I asked if she wanted a chip and she became dramatically animated. I guess she knows what THEY are! I've never offered her one before, but thought what the heck and gave her a little one. She knew exactly what to do with it and it was gone in a jiffy. I'm not intending to make a habit out of that, but it gives me a little insight into her life in her previous home!

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Today's adventures.......I couldn't find Pippa this morning. Wasn't in her cage. Wasn't on her playground. A little 'peep' alerted me to the fact she was perched on the low crossbar UNDER the table! And later I found her clinging to the blinds in the living room. She stepped down to my hand and flew back to her cage. She is flying a little more frequently, only short hops, but I'm going to have to be more vigilant at keeping an eye on her. I've been able to be quite relaxed up to now, with a bird that doesn't 'go' anywhere. She's clearly had a little bash to the face with all this exploring, but seems fine.


She was out all day today with Simon at home. I got back to find she had taken herself off to sit inside her travel cage! Apparently she'd been climbing all over and in it all day. I'd left it on her table all week to help get her used to it, I'm completely made up that she would put herself in there, I guess she has enjoyed going out in it :) I took the hint and took her out in the sun in the garden for a bit.

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Evening all!


I've been away for four days - came back yesterday, and still haven't caught up with all the posts while I was away. Will I ever catch up?!?!


Been feeling blue, but was much cheered by this evening's task - shopping for, and creating Pippa's first Layered Salad (a la Pamela Clark & Kris Porter 'Feeding Our Parrots Well'). Was fun picking out what to put in (one for Pippa, one for me...) and it looks as though my diet will improve dramatically as a result of trying to improve hers. Washed and chopped and put into pots in the fridge. I reckon that just about ALL of it will end up going in the bin, but will accept that it may take weeks/months before she dips her toe in the water. I'm really looking forward to putting her breakfast in tomorrow, and seeing if she has touched any of it by lunchtime.




She impressed me today with her flying. The approach of the spray bottle is clearly sufficient motivation for improving her navigational abilities. She did two beautiful laps of the living/dining room, did not hit a wall or window, and backwinged beautifully to alight gently on her cage again. I was so proud. But still sprayed her. Then gave her a peanut.

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