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We live east of Colorado Springs. You don't have to drive far from the Springs proper to be in the desert of western Colorado. We have the freaking Discovery Channel out here when it comes to wildlife, and rattlesnakes are part of the life.


This morning, as I was feeding our 7 fids, a hot air balloon floated by our property, MUCH closer than any previous balloon has come (they do 2 AM champagne flights, landing at around 6/7). Our birds freaked, and our oldest, a Green Cheeked Conure actually flew down to our basement. He's NEVER done that. It's dark and he has never ever gone down there.


I gathered up everyone else from freak-out-ville and put them in their cages and made my way downstairs to get Rusty. We have a pretty large finished basement with a bunch of toys: ping-pong table, card table, it's pretty much a giant game room.


My eyes were aimed "up" since I was looking for a scared fid. I'd figured he'd fly for the dark/safe place so I made my way to the media room and I'm looking and... HOLY F**KS**TSTAINofFU**INGOMG rattlesnake in the middle of the floor. I'm in my underwear so I levitate and *poof* appear upstairs screaming "THERE'S A FU**ING RATTLESNAKE IN THE BASEMENT!"


Long story (and it's *long* short) 1 snake be-headed by my freaked out wife with some tree branch trimmers, and about 30 minutes, later, we discovered she'd left one of the sliding glass doors in the walkout basement open by about 1/2 an inch.


Everyone lived (except the snake) and I'm going to go buy the missus a .410 tomorrow since it's snake season and we've gotten complacent. I don't need a reason to buy a new gun, but when a reason introduces itself, who am I to say no??


Rusty saved the day. He got to eat first all day today and tomorrow he gets a special toy if I have to kill someone to get it for him lol.

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Thanks for sharing this scary, yet hilarious story... I loved the ((((sound effects)))). :)


I know what your birds will say the next time THEY see a snake. Of course, I would say the same. :P

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Rusty had diverted to one of the bookshelves in spare bedroom downstairs and was totally out of the line of fire. We heard him peep as we were snake wrangling and shut the door until the deed was done. Our Green Knight came through unscathed.

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I know what your birds will say the next time THEY see a snake. Of course, I would say the same. :P


I'm really hoping they were distracted enough by the balloon to not have picked up the 30-second solid streak of profanity I screamed as I ran up the stairs.

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I'm ok with snakes in general. We have lots of bull snakes, some as long as 5'. They look just like rattlesnakes, though, and I actually sent one to snake heaven last year due to a case of mistaken identity: they pound their tails on the ground and sound almost exactly like a rattler. I've gotten better at identifying them, and they're great to have around as they keep the mouse population down.


I am scared spitless of rattlesnakes, though. Our sheppard got tagged on the snout 2 years ago by one; it's was just a nick, and her nose swelled up like a balloon, but she was fine. That snake was on the receiving end of an entire clip (15 rounds) of 9mm from my Beretta 92E. I was 5 beers into a cookout when it happened, and there was lots of screaming + running about + gunfire.


Bought my 12-gauge the next day lol.


I'm going to go buy land mines if they get any worse this year...they've been really really thick.

Edited by Lambert58
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