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Water for my birds...need some info....


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Hi, I have recently purchased a hexagonal water machine for health reasons for my family. Basically it will raise the ph of our water to 9.5 making it more alkaline for drinking purposes. I know that is is recommended for our "pets" as well, but not sure due to the delicate bodies our birds have. Does anyone here know if that range is okay for my birds? I have been trying to research this, but only can find out info for poultry for eating...:(

Edited by Talon
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In big cities, water ( tap water) is treated so that it's drinkable by the general population including pets ( dogs, cats, birds, rodents, reptiles). The Ph is high and most bacteria is killed off in that water. NY has one of the purest supplies of tap water making bottled water less necessary for people and pets. In other areas water isn't treated as well so distilled or spring water is recommended. People need to contact their city water supply to find out if it's safe for people. As far as pets, the only water that has to have the ph levels constantly checked is water in fish aquariums. Too much or too little can kill the fish. Any drinking water that has a variation of ph levels yet can be safely consumed by people is alright for birds.

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The Ph of Ground Water that our CAG's and TAG's drink in native Africa, range from 6-9. The recommended Ph for parrots range between 6.5 and 7.8. Ph higher then 8 is used for treatment of fungus in and own our birds. My personal opinion is to use bottled water, this is just my own opinion. Jayd



Thanks Jay, but are you aware that almost ALL of the various kinds of bottled water I have tested the last few weeks has a very Acid ph reading? Bottled. natural spring water is not ph balanced, thus my question....but you did give me the answer I wanted. the range of ph that is considered safe. Thank you Jay :)

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I didn't see any greys in the wild video clips with "Test Strips" before they drank that wonderful looking water in the elephant hole they were drinking from. I did see some type of worm wiggling along in it though. :P


We just use the tap water here, it is very good deep ground water from the water tables around 8oo feet down. No clue on what the optimum would be for a bird. They drink from anywhere they can find it. :)

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I didn't see any greys in the wild video clips with "Test Strips" before they drank that wonderful looking water in the elephant hole they were drinking from. I did see some type of worm wiggling along in it though. :P


We just use the tap water here, it is very good deep ground water from the water tables around 8oo feet down. No clue on what the optimum would be for a bird. They drink from anywhere they can find it. :)


Yup, I get that Dan, they drink wherever they can find water in the wild.. But my concern is this: Being in captivity, we have the tools to give them the best that we can to keep them as healthy as possible and give them a long life. I was curious if a higher ph (more alkalinity) than we drink now would be harmful to them and their life span....

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Thanks Jay, but are you aware that almost ALL of the various kinds of bottled water I have tested the last few weeks has a very Acid ph reading? Bottled. natural spring water is not ph balanced, thus my question....but you did give me the answer I wanted. the range of ph that is considered safe. Thank you Jay :)

Thank you, I didn't check for Acidic water, just the high Ph, sorry. This I do believe. Here' some info: *s Any time a living animal consumes an acid, the body pulls minerals from teeth (I know birds don't have teeth, except for the baby egg-tooth!) and bones to produce bicarbonate to neutralize the acid. Obviously, this can prove dangerous over time. Another problem with drinking distilled water is that acidic liquids (and having an animal become "acidic"), will result in the production of more free-radicals, which are molecules that can increase the risk for cancer.* Please check out: http://www.exoticpetvet.net/general/water.html Jayd

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LOL - I was just joking Penny. As a side note, hard water is bad for you as well and critters. It causes those "Stones" over years to from in your gallbladder, kidney's etc. A 7.5 to 8.o is optimal. It is always best to go midway with most things in life. Too much either side of a happy medium has effects over the long run, as you all pointed out. :)

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