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Reptile Enthusiast adding shades of Grey

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Hey everyone,



My name is Angelo, I am a San Francisco dweller who will soon be an owner of the epic African Grey. Birds are a new frontier for me but exotic pets are not. For the past 6 years I have been a reptile enthusiast, specializing in chameleons. They have taught me a great deal about the delicate beauty our world has to offer. Now it is time to apply these values to my future partner in crime.


Anyway, lets skip all the boring bio stuff. Im hoping to collaborate and become an grey expert before having one.


Well hope to make some new friends! Oh and if some of you are in the San Francisco Bay Area dont be afraid to say hello!




Lastly, to top off this long post. You can see how crazy my reptile hobby has become. Check out the educational videos I make. Take care!



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Welcome Angelo!


It's GreYt having you here. Nice job on that video.


You have come to the right place to learn tons about Greys before you bring one home. Please visit all the rooms and check out the topics of interest to a person seeking information on Greys, their care, needs and characteristics.


Also, one note on birds and reptiles. They don't mix, especially sharing any bacteria from hands, surfaces etc. Most reptile owners keep them in a seperate room amd also ensure they wash their hands before touching anything to do with the bird and it's related items.


Looking forward to hearing more from you.

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Welcome :)


You will find tons of info here that will get you well prepared for when you add a Grey to your family. I for one am glad your doing your research before you bring a Grey home. The first thing your going to learn is just how challenging a Grey can be at times :P But trust me, they are worth all the "trouble".

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Hi Angelo, very interesting video!!! Kudos to you for researching about greys before becoming a parront. There are oodles of informative threads here in the different rooms so read, read, read! Welcome to the Grey family. Can't wait to hear more from you!!

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Welcome :)


You will find tons of info here that will get you well prepared for when you add a Grey to your family. I for one am glad your doing your research before you bring a Grey home. The first thing your going to learn is just how challenging a Grey can be at times :P But trust me, they are worth all the "trouble".


From what I been reading, it seems I'm in for a rollercoaster

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Welcome Angelo!


It's GreYt having you here. Nice job on that video.


You have come to the right place to learn tons about Greys before you bring one home. Please visit all the rooms and check out the topics of interest to a person seeking information on Greys, their care, needs and characteristics.


Also, one note on birds and reptiles. They don't mix, especially sharing any bacteria from hands, surfaces etc. Most reptile owners keep them in a seperate room amd also ensure they wash their hands before touching anything to do with the bird and it's related items.


Looking forward to hearing more from you.


Yeah totally aware of cross contamination when it comes to reptiles. On the bright side, chameleons are not supposed to be handled. Their environment is fully automated. All I have to do is throw bugs in. :)

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quote_icon.png Originally Posted by miniHUEY "Classified Room" viewpost-right.png

Hoping to get a Congo African Grey around 7+ weeks old by October 2010.



It is far safer for a baby parrot to survive if you get a fully weaned one as opposed to one on formula! A Grey will BOND no better if hand fed then if fully weaned!!!!!!!!




You'd be surprised, people will come on the forum, 7wk old baby,[etc] ask question, then more questions that they shouldn't need to ask, then you never hear from them again!!!

It is so easy to lose a baby then not.

Please reconsider!!!


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Hello Angelo and welcome to our family, so glad to hear you want to own an african grey and you have come to the right place to learn all you can before you committ to it, be sure to read thru all the threads here for lots of useful information for there is none better than first hand experience.

I am concerned though that you mention getting an unweaned baby, that would be a very bad idea especially if you have no experience in handfeeding baby birds, so much can go wrong if you don't know what you are doing and the baby will still bond with you even if you never have a hand in feeding it formula. I would like to see this practice of selling unweaned baby birds illegal here in the USA like it is in the UK.

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Hello Angelo,

Please understand that if you do decide to get an unweaned baby or whatever age of Grey you get, I will give you my unconditional support and do whatever I can to help as will others here. Please don't be afraid to ask.

Jayd, Maggie, Spock and the flock....

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quote_icon.png Originally Posted by miniHUEY "Classified Room" viewpost-right.png

Hoping to get a Congo African Grey around 7+ weeks old by October 2010.



It is far safer for a baby parrot to survive if you get a fully weaned one as opposed to one on formula! A Grey will BOND no better if hand fed then if fully weaned!!!!!!!!




You'd be surprised, people will come on the forum, 7wk old baby,[etc] ask question, then more questions that they shouldn't need to ask, then you never hear from them again!!!

It is so easy to lose a baby then not.

Please reconsider!!!



The 7+ week sorta implied I am looking for something older. A weaned bird is a definite must.

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Greetings Angelo, Spock here...I am Jay and Maggie's flock leader and self-proclaimed King of the Greys. You can receive a lot of great advice here about your new Grey...(Great! Another possible subject...my kingdom grows) You know, Greys can be considered chameleons ourselves. Because our color is neutral, we can blend in with a lot of our surroundings. Just ask Jay and Maggie when it is bed-time and I fly off...I can blend with the best of them...especially between lines. In considering the possibility of hand-feeding a frolicking feathered fuzzy Fid, please consider one that has already learned to get your goat and where no Bird has gone before...Learn to be what it truly means to be a Grey owner...I promise that a little weaned Grey can certainly give you a run for your money....


Live Long and Prosper

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