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Help. 6 week old congo african grey


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I have acquired a 6 week old grey. He is eating his formula and I know to be offering new veggies and fruit but.....do I need to mash the food up, like puree style and if so, for how long? Also, the guy that got rid of him said not to offer water until 10 to 12 weeks. When and how do I offer water? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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We do have several members who will be of help to you with your new baby grey but my question is why do you have a 6 week old baby and why did the breeder not finish what he started, you say he got rid of him, I would like to know who he is for I have a few choice words for him.:mad:

Dave007 and Jayd are your best bets for advice on what you should be doing, they will be along shortly to give you some advice for I have never handfed a baby grey or any baby bird for that matter for it is best left to those who have experience because so many things can go wrong.

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Not offering water until 10-12 weeks is unheard of in my book. I would be offering pellets and veggies / fruits. The veggies need to be chopped, not mashed or pureed. I would say a good size would be corn kernel or pea size. I would also introduce water. Most of the food will just be played with right now, but it is a good learning experience for your young Grey.


I would also like to see you clarify the "got rid of" comment

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The advice given to you by Judy and Cheyenness are true. I'm feeding fid's right now, I'll get back to you shortly..This seires is on going, By Tanya, [Phobe, the Twins,] http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?189623-just-asking plus Cheyenness threads in Nursery, on Loki.http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190265-Loki-s-progress Currant and full of what you need.. Jayd

Edited by Jayd
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Questions about an unweaned grey should be in the Nursery Room. Please post your questions there Jgolden. Frankly, in my opinion, breeders who "get rid of" or sell an unweaned baby bird to an inexperienced person is a barbarian and should be ban from breeding anything. Forgive my outburst but this topic just makes me want to cry. Thank God we have such wonderful breeders and rescue people on our forum who do their best to help in these situations.

Edited by luvparrots
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:confused:Why don't you start a new "Thread" in the "Nursery" as Janet suggested, I'll be looking for you!!!! :confused:Question? What are you feeding now? How much and how many times a day?

What temperature are you keeping the tank at? How long have you had the little guy? What is your feeding times? Thanks Jayd:)

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just move the thread!! 2lj6o0o.gif , my young un wont even play with the veggie / fruit i offer her, i have made a sweet potato/corn/carrot mash for her & put it in on a daily basis, she never even looks at it tho , the only thing she eats is corn on the cob 2ihau5l.jpg

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Questions about an unweaned grey should be in the Nursery Room. Please post your questions there Jgolden. Frankly, in my opinion, breeders who "get rid of" or sell an unweaned baby bird to an inexperienced person is a barbarian and should be ban from breeding anything. Forgive my outburst but this topic just makes me want to cry. Thank God we have such wonderful breeders and rescue people on our forum who do their best to help in these situations.


what she said!

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Questions about an unweaned grey should be in the Nursery Room. Please post your questions there Jgolden. Frankly, in my opinion, breeders who "get ride of" or sell an unweaned baby bird to an inexperienced person is a barbarian and should be ban from breeding anything. Forgive my outburst but this topic just makes me want to cry. Thank God we have such wonderful breeders and rescue people on our forum who do their best to help in these situations.


Janet's post was very good and informative, and honest, grey't advice. Here at the forum if a thread is placed by a new or old member, a sugestion will be made to where the proper spot for it might be as Janet did,and as you noticed, Janet still answered the question... If said post was never moved, WE still would have answered the thread to the best of our ability...The reason to put a thread under a certain room to have all threads and post of the same subject in one spot. Thank you Janet,your post was proper and helpful... As for the rest of our reply's, with most of them being "where to post", I hope we haven't lost this person!!! Jayd

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