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I have a very friendly african grey she rarely bites. i can easily get her to step up when she is in her cage or out of her cage. But she always hangs out on top of her cage and everytime i try to get her to step up she bites me but i dont react to it cuz ppl say that if you dont react the parrot gives up and mine does give up but once she gives up she runs to the other side of her cage. ppl say that u shuld grab the parrot but i dont kno where to grab her from. shuld i grab her from her toes? from her legs? from where? and if i have to grab her from her toes how? she has them wrapped around the cage? if im not supposed to grab her then what other ways can i get her to step up from the top of her cage? sorry bout all the questions i just dont know what to do i had two african greys before but never had a problem like this. i would really appreciate it if you helped



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First of all, DO NOT grab the bird. This will only instill fear and mistrust into her, damaging the relationship you have with your bird. Secondly, is she really biting, or grabbing hold of you to try and support herself when changing position? Birds do use their beaks like a hand, pulling themselves up by it, and using it for balance and support when climbing onto something.


You can try coaxing her out of the cage using a stick or a perch instead of your hand to step up on. You can also try encouraging her to step up with a treat, or you can leave the cage door open and see if she will come out by herself.

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How long have you had your grey? Are you trying to get her to go back into her cage? Please tell us a little more about your grey so that we can better help you. If I want my grey to go back into her cage and she doesn't want to I bribe her. She loves nuts and seeds so I just put some in to her food dish and she goes back into her cage. I save her seeds and nuts for the evening so this is easy to do. I certainly would not be grabbing your grey as that will definitely break any thrust your grey has in you.

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No, grabbing is bad. She can get hurt. She will develop issues with your trust. ESPECIALLY since she'll step up wherever else.


Try casually putting your arm around behind her & resting it on the cage so she's sort of circled by it. Go slow. Don't get it very close. Put your other arm in front of her & put your wrist/forearm just against her legs. Then, just have a little hangin out time for a minute... No big deal... Nothin goin on here.


If you just shift the position of your back arm a little & just push a bit with the front arm, she may very well instinctively move onto you. She should get distracted - but not frightened - by "something" going on behind her & just move forward. She shouldn't realize you made her do anything.


Two other things...


Bribery is our friend. Before & after this.


Without knowing the rest of the story, I'm going to guess that she's gotten to associate being lifted off the cage with being made to do something she doesn't want to do. Like going back into the cage when she doesn't want to go, for example. While you're re-establishing your ability to get her off the cage, do something else for a few minutes.


Like offering her a bribe :)

Edited by birdhouse
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You can't go wrong with the grey't advice given!!! Suggestion, next time you try to remove her from top of cage, don't put her up!! take her somewhere else and have her step down, do this a number of times a day....Jayd Maggie and Spock and the flock

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