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The Best Pet for Your Sign


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I was looking at this article on my home page today and look what it says about my sign, pretty accurate huh!


What better companion for these chatty intellectuals than a pet with cognitive abilities that allow them to chatter? An African Grey Parrot is sure to inspire the Gemini mind. These birds belong to one of the most intelligent parrot species and possess the ability to develop a large vocabulary and communicate efficiently with their owners. They become easily bored and thrive in a stimulating, interactive environment. Gemini natives will find no lack of intellectual stimulation with these clever birds.

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Intense and inquisitive, Scorpios are fascinated by the darker side of life and often prefer quiet companionship from a pet. Spiders are a unique pet that Scorpios can appreciate more than most other signs. Spiders are relatively low-maintenance and independent, and a Scorpio owner will enjoy watching their interesting behavior. Spiders require little to no socialization, which suits typically introverted Scorpios just fine. A sensual spider housed in a stimulating terrarium will provide a striking complement to a Scorpio's life.

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