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Dayo - Fascinated/Obsession with Sliding Glass


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Dayo is absolutely fascinated with the view of the outside, through the Patio sliding glass doors!


Everytime I get him out, he runs or flies straight to the door and just looks out and pecks on the glass for a good 10 - 15 minutes, before he pays any attention to his toys or me trying to play with him.


I understand wanting to not only see, but experience the beauty of the outdoors, but he is obsessed right now.


Is this normal?

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Dayo is an adorable little fuzzy buzzy (a technical term, you understand), and perfectly normal (ie, completely insane).

Joshua bangs on glass, too and he's eighteen years

old! I don't know why the fascination, because he's not at all anxious to go outside to see what it looks like from the other side. It seems to be the glass itself that is fascinating.

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Well, I just got the Aviator on Dayo, which only resulted in the only 2 skin breaking, bleeding Bites Ive received from him. It was mainly due to him being off balance on the Tee Stand I placed him on.


He kept trying to climb onto my hands and thus losing balance.


Anyway, he did a few back flips and spinning in circles then calmed down a little.


I let him out the Patio door and he walked around for a little bit then became obsessed with the harness again, then explored some more, flew a couple of times and then then walked back in the house!


Now he's sitting on the floor, harness still on, but not fighting it.


He has his head and body next to a box with fluffy toys in it and I just gave him a head scratch and reassured him a little.


Not sure if he just wants to take a nap now, or if he has just given up and is sulking at not being able to get the harness off :-)

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If he is biting you when you try to put it on it is to soon. You need to watch the DVD and work on the training tips.

It was two weeks before I even tried to put mine on Topaz. And then I only put it on her neck.

Slow down. Don't want Dayo to hate the thing. :S

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Thanks Tari,


Yes, I watched the DVD Days ago.


I have let Dayo see it and play with it. Yesterday I put just the neck portion over his head with no problem at all and then took it back off in 30 seconds with no issues yesterday.


Today's biggest problem, I believe is balance as they illustrated in the DVD or just by him trying so adamantly to climb onto me instead of staying on his T-Stand.


I guess I need to work more with him on staying on the T-Stand while I interact with him.


He let me take it off with no problems at all :-).... of course that could have been the peanut I gave him to chew on before I started taking it off ;-)


I was VERY apprehensive of how taking it off was going to work out.....I would have reverted to scissors if it had turned ugly :ohmy:

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Oh, Dan, don't get scared now! A couple of bites from the baby can't put you off! Dayo will get used to the harness, I am sure, if you perservere. What about if Kim puts it on him? It must be an odd feeling to be a bird with a harness. I can imagine it will take a bit of getting used to. You hang in there, little buddy!


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Thanks Lidia,


It's ok, it all turned out well and Dayo laid next to me, tucked his head into my palm and fell a sleep as I scratched his head.


He was one tired little Grey :-)


I will do it again tomorrow and try to get him to stay on the T-Stand without him trying to climb on to my Hands while I'm putting the Harness on.


As always, when I get involved in something, there is always hurt feelings, blood and death ....:evil:


This African Grey has met his worst nightmare as a Teenager, when he reaches that point ;-)


My apprehension was for Dayo, not me :ohmy: ;)

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Talon has a perch near a big glass window. And so whenever she sees us walk by outside, she starts whistling and getting her wings out, like she's going to fly. She also really :P


I've tried to get the aviator harness on Talon,(since my mom has given up :P ) but I cant even get a big loop over her head. Then again she won't let us touch her, but I've been getting it so I can gently brush her wings and have her not try to bite. So maybe I'll get there someday.{Feel-good-000200BB}



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Hi Melissa,


Thats the kind of determination and patience that will eventually get Talon into the Aviator.


It sounds like you are doing exactly as the DVD shows and discusses.


LOL - Talon loves to see you guys inside or outside :-)

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