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aviator harness!!!!!!!


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well i just paid £30 for 1 of these , its got me around the bend rofl.gif , i wouldnt class myself as thick ( well not untill i bought 1 of these) i am admin on a music & movies torrent forum, a mate & myself have our own dedicated server, i encode movies & mod on other forums, was a marine engineer mechanic in the royal navy & have been a warehouse manager with 60 bolkes under me on a 3 shift cycle, but this has me totally stumped !!! rofl.gif, i just cant grasp the concept of how its supposed to go, its like a chinese puzzel , got me demented arggghh.gifarggghh.gifdoh.gif, i tried to put it on my bird & she aint got a problem, its me i cant sus how to put the thing on rofl.gifrofl.gif

im going to have 1 more shot tomorrow then its on ebay, had to stop or it would have went in the bin !i looked at the dvd thats included but just cant get my head around it ( excuse the pun rofl.gif) its a shame actually as i quite fancied one of these to allow my bird some freedom

Edited by venom
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Well, if you watch the video, then look at the pictures on the folded paper that came inside the aviator packaging, you'll figure it out. You are probably trying to over think it. :)


Oh and no drills, spanners or blasting caps are needed for installation. :P

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I couldn't live without our harnesses - both Dixie and Sterling are flighted and we love taking them outside to sit in the morning when the sun is coming up with coffee and the paper. Without them, we wouldn't be able to do this. When Beau becomes flighted (and he will one day) he will wear his with pride, in the meantime, he wears it on occasion just for show. Keep working on it, you will become an expert in no time, and the stuffed animal/bird is the best way to practice, it makes you more confident in getting it on your bird and will make them more comfortable in the processes.



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well eventually worked out how to get it on her this morning jizv3n.gif got it all set up ok, was a bit loose around the head section but putting that down to her being so young (only 10 weeks) anyway left it on her for a bit she didnt seem to have a problem at all, just waited for her to start chewing it then distracted her with her bell toy , it was on about 30 mins while she was playing then i took it off no problem 8zenfc.gif, will do the same tomorrow for 30 mins or so get us both used to it !!! 23mwx06.jpg

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