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Urgent. Went to pick up the bird, noticed a twitch


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Day finally came to pick up my CAG and noticied a constant twitch in its head every 50 seconds or so. It would sometimes twist its head to one way then twitch. What can be wrong here the bird is about 4 months old and i decided not to pick up tge bird beacuse of this. Any ideas?

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I have no idea, it sounds as though the bird needs to see a vet. On a parrot forum I used to frequent one person's grey got a minor electric shock and twitched for a few weeks.

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mpr86 , i agree with the others it does sound like the bird should be seen by a vet.

Was the bird at a breeders or a pet shop ? I personally would have thought if it was a breeder they would have had some knowledge of what was wrong.

Had you visited the bird before ? did it show any other signs that suggested something was wrong ?

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Hmmm Depends on the "twitch" could be a pin feather that is bothering him. Or he could of been weaned to early and just be hungry. In anycase if the breeder/present owner has no clue what this is I'd take it to the vet or have them do it.

Is it the head that is twiching or the wings? Hungry birds twich their wings.

You did the best thing if they could not answer your questions.

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Could be a symptom of chlamydia. My bird had it and he had frequent "twitches" which were actually seizures. Make sure he is screened for chlamydia and aspergillosis if you get him. Poor thing.Such a disappointment for you too. The breeder should have this investigated and not sell him until he does. If it is chlamydia, he will have to treat his whole flock so he should be hotfooting it to the vets to see what is up with this bird.

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Just wondering - what kind of twitch would you describe it as ? Was it a true twitch or more of a head shake or flick? When I first got my CAG, I was petrified because he was shaking his head constantly. I called vets and the shop and posted online- people all agreed it was a nervous habit that is actually quite common. He continued doing it for a while, but stopped after he settled in. He still does the "head shake" every now and again when he hears something new - but much less frequently.


Would you describe it more of a twitch or a shake ? Still better safe than sorry, but it could be nothing.



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Story somewhat developed over the past day.


The place I am purchasing the CAG from is a reputable high quality exotic bird store. Not a breeder. They do breed their own birds, but this specific parrot I had a deposit on for the past 3 weeks was bred in Arizona.


After noticing the twitching, we visited another one of their stores to see what available CAG's they had. The one CAG out that was available out of the 3 others that were sold didn't really seem as friendly and also had a small twitch, but no way near the one I originally intended to purchase. The other CAG's that were already sold/spoken for did not have a twitch. Maybe there is some disease going on through the breeder?

I called the original shop at the end of the day to see if the original CAG stopped twitching, and the lady explained that they applied some sort of medication to it's eye as it was red, and would be taking it to the vet sometime this week to have it fully checked out. Hopefully it's not something too wrong with it (maybe something in its ear etc) as I really wanted that bird.


Nevertheless, I have a brand new empty cage with no bird today, after a steepness night last night anticipating brining home the bird finally.


To add to all of this, neither stores or another private breeder will have any CAG's available for quite a few months (Christmas time to be exact)


Sigh, I guess it was meant to not happen :unsure:


Thanks for all the help!

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Hmm. I really don't know as I would have to look at it this way now (as either a head shake or twitch)


He was fluffed up often and I believe I read somewhere that's a sign of a problem as well.


The twitching/head shaking? was way too frequent, in intervals of 20-50seconds apart. The other CAG that was sitting next to him did not have anything similar.


frankieNYC wrote:

Just wondering - what kind of twitch would you describe it as ? Was it a true twitch or more of a head shake or flick? When I first got my CAG, I was petrified because he was shaking his head constantly. I called vets and the shop and posted online- people all agreed it was a nervous habit that is actually quite common. He continued doing it for a while, but stopped after he settled in. He still does the "head shake" every now and again when he hears something new - but much less frequently.


Would you describe it more of a twitch or a shake ? Still better safe than sorry, but it could be nothing.



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Hi mpr,


I am sorry to hear that you may not find and bring home a CAG as quickly as expected.


But, don't give up! You will find one with your determination. :-)


My Breeder still has 4 CAGs available IF you were interested in having one shipped to you.


I can vouch that they have all been hand-fed, socialized and well taken care of. I and my Wife played with all of them over the last 8 weeks while we were waiting for Dayo to wean. :-)

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You're really better off waiting until you find the right bird. But I would question your breader about the baby's condition. It sounds odd.

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