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Hi everyone,


My name is Andy. I'm 20 years old, I attend college full time (Only have classes 2 days a week) and work part time. My part time job is working at a pet store.


For a while now I've really wanted to get an African Grey. I still want one terribly, I just am not having luck finding any. I hope to become part of the community here and learn a lot more about these birds before finally owning one.


Thanks for reading!

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Welcome Andy! Great that your doing your research before hand. Your grey will be very lucky when you find him or her. I would suggest buying from a good breeder rather than a pet shop. They would usually be younger and more sociable as they would be handled more ( this is the case in Ireland anyway) Also much cheaper too. Best of look finding your life companion :)

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Welcome to our family Andy. Great job doing research first. That will only prepare you for what will be a lifetime commitment and life adjustments. I have 2 greys, one from a breeder and one that was purchased from a pet store. I adopted her from a couple who had her for 5 weeks and had no idea how noisy they could be and came here to learn how to shut her up! Needless to say, she has found her forever home with me. I am her 4th home in her first year and half. She has been with me 2 years tomorrow. I LOVE the noise!!! :)


I look forward to hearing more from you, ask anything you like here! We are happy to add our two cents in! :)

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Thanks you two :)


One of my really good friends has an African Grey. His bird is awesome and makes me want one to call my own so badly. Surprisingly his bird likes me, lets me hold him, scratch his neck, nuzzle him etc. His bird doesn't like his female roommate. His bird has known me for much less time than he's known the roomie and surprisingly likes me way better. After seeing how interactive my friends Grey is, it sparked my curiosity in these little feathered friends of ours.


Any and all links to websites regarding information on how to care for Grey's would be appreciated. Even adding your own stories (horror stories too please) about your AG would be nice to read :D

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Hello Andy and welcome to our family, I am so pleased you want to own a grey of your own.


Any and all links to websites regarding information on how to care for Grey's would be appreciated


Just start reading thru the many threads here for lots of useful information about taking care of a grey, what to feed, kind of cage, toys, sleep requirements, dangers and you name it we have a thread for it and if you don't find it just ask and we will help you in any way we can.

I would look for breeders in your area and you can do that by looking state to state on www.avianbiotech.com or www.birdbreeders.com if you live in the US and look beyond your state if you have to, going a little distance is worth it if you don't find any close to home.

You are doing the right thing in finding out all you can before committing to one of these amazing creatures, they do have some requirements to make them happy and well adjusted and the more you learn the better you will be prepared for when you do get one to bring into your home.

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