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Does music make them yell more, or...?


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I work at home and I usually play music half the day just to entertain myself while at the computer, singing along quite a bit too :P I don't have my first grey yet, but I'm wondering how he will react to it - will he be yelling along to it? Sitting quietly unable to concentrate on anything else while wondering what that blasted noise is? Or just doing whatever usual playing/chattering/squawking he would do as if the music wasn't on?


Providing that the music isn't too loud, would there be any negative long term effects to having him sit in a room with me listening to various music a couple hours a day?


Sorry if any of this is obvious... still new and learning! :) Thanks in advance!

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I live alone so I always have the TV or radio on. My birds really don't pay much attention to the music or TV shows. I do leave the radio on in their bird room if I am going to be gone for very long. I know some birds dance to music so I assume they enjoy it.

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I sometimes play the radio in the bird room. They seem to like it. They also like it when I sing.


Moussa, our new grey, is not in the bird room. His "condo" is in the dining room. I play the radio in the kitchen all the time, mostly classical. He will sit in front of the radio on the counter and nap sometimes. He seems to enjoy the music.


Having said that, I also know that some birds do tend to be more noisy if the environment is noisy. I don't know if that applies to greys or not. Maybe some more experienced grey owners can tell you.

Edited by Birdnut
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I have the stereo on all day, a little TV in the evenings. Biscotti goes about his business chatting, playing,eating, dozing regardless of the music. I don't know if he likes my singing or not, he usually laughs when I sing! Oh, well.

I always leave the stereo on when I leave also, I think he likes it. :)

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Jack usually dances around and sings along when the radio is on. He also loves when people sing to him.

He does get more noisy when the radio or tv are on, but he seems to enjoy it.

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I too have heard that the noise level can affect how loud your bird can be, I also put the radio on when I leave the house for background noise, that way they don't hear as much of sudden sounds that may tend to frighten them, mine pay no attention to the radio or the tv which is usually on when we are at home.

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My grey is the only one who seems to respond to the radio. He likes to make his best noises to go along. I've had some birds that don't like the vibration from the subwoofer, though. My guys do watch tv. Anything bird related will get their attention most of the time. I've played some of the videos from here & watched them seriously focused on them. I think that's probably about the bird calls. But they'll watch other things as well.

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If you dance, hum, nod your head to the beat etc.. Your grey will soon be dancing and getting with the beat as well. :)


My grey loves music, beat-boxes to it, whistles and dances. This all keeps evolving as the last 3 years have passed. It's BIG FUN at times. :P

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Yoshi isn't much of a noise maker, but having music on in the room encourages her a ton. She rarely speaks when the house is silent, only yells when she wants to come to us, but turn on some music or play a video game or something and she soon livens up. I think she just feels braver when there is other stuff going on and her noises don't stick out in the quiet, lol. She's a shy baby :P

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