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Name Suggestions


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As I have decided to keep this little wayward cockatiel I am in need of some suggestions for names for it, I am hoping from the pictures I share that someone will have an idea of whether it is a male or female but really it doesn't matter as I am not going to have it sexed so I need some good names, it has already been suggested that I name it Gypsy, though that is a good one I feel there are others that I may like as well so I am open to any and all suggestions!









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Hi. I think your new baby is beautiful. Cute name suggestions.


I'm no expert, and maybe somebody here can correct me, but I was told at the pet shop where we trade that as they mature, a male cockatiel will lose the banding on the tail feathers, while the female will retain the banding. It looks like your new baby has banding on the tail feathers. Of course, we don't know it's age, but maybe that would suggest it is a female???


Okay, I'll throw out a name I thought of. The markings make me think of lace. I looked it up, and Lacy can be both a boy or a girl name. So the name I'll throw in the hat is Lacy, or Lacey.

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:)Birdnut, yes this is true, the banding they are referring to is on the underside of the tail.:)On pied's and pearls, the orange cheek can be bright on both sex's, this baby appears to be what is called a "Split" which would be "Pearl/Pied", The pied being the yellow spots on the nape, and yellow on the wings and tail. The pearl is the white mottling on the body. Singing is the best way to judge a male/female.:)


If I may: Piper...

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I agree with Jayd. This is for sure a Pearl Pied Cockatiel and the banding they refer to is on the underside of the tail feathers and isn't accurate on the split mutations at all. In fact it is only accurate on other tiels after 6 months of age. A lot of the pearling fades as males mature though, so I am going to guess that your bird is a female as it looks pretty mature to me.... I may be wrong.


I would go with Gypsy :)

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A lot of the pearling fades as males mature though, so I am going to guess that your bird is a female as it looks pretty mature to me.... I may be wrong.



You could be right too, I think this bird is pretty much a mature bird also and I have been told the male sings and this one does not so it may just be a female and I do like the name Gypsy so we shall see, waiting to hear if anyone else has any name suggestions.

I was in a pet store earlier today and they had two cockatiels that were identical to the one I have at home, they had a sign on the side of the container they were in for you could reach in and touch them if you liked that said they can bite but their bite is hardly noticeable.

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I was in a pet store earlier today and they had two cockatiels that were identical to the one I have at home, they had a sign on the side of the container they were in for you could reach in and touch them if you liked that said they can bite but their bite is hardly noticeable.


It can be quite noticeable to someone who hasn't been bitten by a larger bird LOL

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Yeah but Josey does not bite me and I thought they might be able to bite hard like my sun conure does, she can get a little bit of skin and pinch so it hurts but does not break the skin, I hardly notice the tiel when she lunges at me, frankly it is more of a touching you with her beak instead of actually opening her beak to take a grab of your skin but that will soon be history when she gets her new cage, its on its way.

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I think I am going with Gypsy as it reminds me of Gypsy Rose Lee which I might call her from time to time, it is the name I favor the most of the ones suggested so my wayward little friend now has a name so she is officially mine, thanks everyone for the name suggestions as it was a difficult choice.

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What a beautiful little bundle of feathers you have there Judy. I was going to suggest a name as I was reading along - it hit me - but then I see you've already decided. I'll suggest anyhow, I would say "Grace" as in amazing. She appeared from nowhere, no one claimed her and but for the grace of God she found you to care for her. I do like Gypsy though - you'll have to teach her to sing that one!



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