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Treats Vs. Praise as a reward


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I have had my parrot for about 1 month. Still not quite sure about how to reward her for good behaviors (like stepping up, stepping down, flying to me).

She is very young still, 4 months... loves head scratches but doesnt seem to care for most treats. Pine nuts are mostly ignored.

Usually I just follow up good behaviors with some very enthusiastic "good girl!" praises and that seems to make her happy.


Does this seem like a good route?

Anyone with ideas on what else I could also try, I would love to hear suggestions or criticism.



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I use both praise and treats. Sometimes its just a scratch on the head and around her neck. Her treats vary from vegetable nutri-berries or pieces of fruit to pecans, walnuts and pine nuts. It just varies on what I have at hand at the moment. This works well for my Ana Grey.

Edited by luvparrots
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Praise works well for most. They love the feeling of having not only pleased you, but also that of having that great feeling of accomplishment.


As your baby ages, treats will probably be needed for the first times you try to start a new behavior training. Also, as your baby ages, the favorite treats will emerge.

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