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Scary morning


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I was supposed to go hiking with Cocoa this morning but in the last minute I changed my mine. I took her for flying exercise to test out the new line which I bought 2 days ago. It's an 80lbs Dyneema fishing line. Much lighter than the bulky nylon rope I was using.

It went on well initially. She did 240ft twice and 250ft once. She was rested for awhile before took her for last round. I told her last round not last day.

On nearing the landing platform, she flew higher and higher. She was flying away, past the platform. When the line reached maximum she turned back.

I thought she would come back to me but instead she flew past me. I thought the line had snapped. I could only see the leash of the harness flying past me.

I nearly had an heart attack. My heart was pounding real fast. I ran after her. She landed on the goal post of the football field which was about 20ft away from me. I quickly went to grab the leash and checked the line. Thanks goodness the line was still intact.


Cocoa didn't respond to my recall. Since she was perching on the goal post comfortably, I quickly retrieved the flight line then climbed the post to retrieve Cocoa.

What a frightening morning I had.

Edited by dhorje
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Yes the lighter line allows for longer flights but alas it is hard to see if it is still intact from a distance, I know your heart was in your throat until you saw she was still tethered but what a scary experience for you, so glad it had a happy ending.

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So glad Cocoa is alright. Don't you worry about hawks where you live. There is no way I could do that with my bird because he looks too much like a irresistible, over-sized pigeon to a hawk and would quickly become a menu item. Letting them fly outside sounds like fun though.

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