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Got a new budgie today (well)


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Hi everyone i got a budgie today!.

His name is oliver and he is pale blue on his stomach and white on his head and a blue wig (lol it lookes so funny i will try and put a photo on.)Plus a bit of black design.


But the story is that. He was lost and my friend who lives over the road (carlos).He found it in a tree stuck.GOD BLESS THE LITTLE THING)So carlos got a lader and un did all the branches and leaves.Then he decided that he was going to keep it company with the other 3 birds he has got (they are all canary's.)So when i saw him today he told me what had happend and he said would you like it.So i couldn't say no because it is a shame.He said that his other birds where scared of it and Oliver is only a baby because he is very fond of birds and so he knows all about them.I tuck him to my house over the road and he needed a new cage because the one he give to me was really old.So i went to the shop and got Oliver a new one and food and water,plus a budgie stick with gives them all the vitimains and all the good thing in it.He is now on my balcony with my canary.He is sleeping because he was probably scared.So he is still slepping at the min and he has been sleeping since 12:00 this morning,and now it is 5:50.(bless)


I think he saved his own life because if he hadent been churping he wouldn't have been hear now.


He is missing feathers and he is missing a toe.So im taking him to the vet now.Lets hope he is all right.(please god let the poor thing be ok)

Sorry for poor English.

Im rushing because i have to go to te vet.



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Very cute! I hope the little one gets a clean bill of health. Budgies are absolutely great. I had one (Lucky) for 13 yrs...amazing personality packed into those tiny bodies and able to learn to mimick/speak very well...Lucky had over 100 word vocab! B)<br><br>Post edited by: dblhelix, at: 2007/08/15 22:05

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Hi Greylover,


Wow, what a great story!


That poor distraught fellow sure had the Parrot God shining on him, to have found an experienced owner like yourself, that will get him checked out, fixed up and provided a good home :-)


Please keep us posted and post photos when things calm down.


When you do Post photos and follow-ups, you should post them in Tari's "Other Birds" Room.


I don't want to steal any members posts from Her, though I am VERY tempted :evil:

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That is a very heartwarming story, Greylover, I am glad you could take in this little one, and he will be forever grateful to you for what you have done. A guardian angel was certainly watching over this little guy, and glad your friend was alert to his cries, he did save his life for sure.


Keep us informed on his progress and let us know what you name him.

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It is so great of you to save that baby. Be sure to get him on a varied diet with lots of fresh stuff and a good pellet mix. They do need seed but an all seed diet is just as bad for a budgie as it is for our greys.

Gratz on your new baby. I have two and even though they are not tame and have to stay in the bedroom (stupid cat) they are so cool to hear chattering away.

Post some picture soon in the other bird forum please cause


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I went to the vet and he said that the toe he carn't do anything.But giv me anti septic spray wheni bath him.The foot he said will get better as the days go on.He said just keep on bating it.So he has been in the bath lol.Thanks for your thoughts.I will keep you updated.

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well my budgies get mostly the same things my other birds do only smaller. lol

They don't hold food in their foot the way our Grey's do so small foods works best.

Mine get mixed veggies, fruit, small budgie size pellets, pasta, cooked brown rice and they love broccoli but they like it best if I hand it with a cloth pin and they eat the heads off. So far this is the one they eat the most of. It takes time to change their diet just like with any parrot.

They still get seeds and millet on regular bases too. Just keep an eye out that they don't get fat. :laugh:

So glad the vet was able to fix him up. Keep us posted on your new guy.<br><br>Post edited by: Tari, at: 2007/08/15 20:04

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Well done Greylover for taking the budgie in & giving him a home.I have 3 budgies & they are great little characters:)

As for diet i think Tari has covered it :)

Out of interest do you know if it is a male or female ?

one why to tell is the cere,the little bit above the beak,males have blue ceres & females brown ;)

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